《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读14

    “positive i mean, hurting harry’s friends hurts harry, so malfoy an’t start anything with us either right? all we do is ignore him easy”

    herne smiled “exatly”

    luius malfoy had tuned out his son’s ranting hours ago and just let drao ontinue talking until he had repeated himself three or four times, worn himself out paing around, and stormed off to his bedroom raising an eyebrow at some of drao’s st statements on how it wasn’t fair beause he wasn’t even going to be punished for being so stupid as to help potter beause it was following veriae instint, luius just stored the entire few hours away as temporary insanity and returned to his book

    he’d known this was going to hen after all why else had he deserted voldemort? holy, drao himself should have suspeted that potter was his soul mate after that oh well drao was, after all, an adolesent, and adolesents sometimes ouldn’t find something if it hit them on the side of the head, renships being one of those things what would ome would ome, and drao would never atually tell potter that he was his soul mate, so what was drao worried about anyway?

    by friday m, drao had arefully built a manor on the left bank of “denial” and was omfortably living in it without any thought whatsoever the pon had been finished and he’d given the stupid vial to be tested to potter, saying to test it if he wanted to but drao knew it was perfet and had left the room before potter might have swallowed it so potter didn’t know anything whatsoever about the aura of drao’s soul and both boys (along with respetive friends/bodyguards) were ign eah other…but drao was dreadfully wrong about one thing

    on thursday night, harry potter had dumped the entire lear os of the vial of the ompleted pon into his pumpkin juie and had wathed everyone’s auras for exatly one hour he’d delightedly told herne of her aura (le red) and had told ron he didn’t want to know (slytherin green) and had then looked at his own to find it was ebony bk whih he thought was fitting, thank you very muh…and then drao had walked in harry had felt annoyane when he realized that drao and he had the exat same aura who did that git think he was, having the same aura as he? then his brain had started w… maybe it was something about being a veriae he still hadn’t heked out…er…”borrowed” that book on dragontongue from the restrited sen…and a resolun was made to transte exatly what those wyverns had said about drao and himself on monday after all, he still remembered very learly what the hissing had sounded like…strange what one remembered without really meaning to

    so he had left dinner, had trespassed into the library’s restrited sen, and promptly spent all night learning to speak dragontounge he doubted he ould really speak it fluently, but he would uand it there were only a few differenes between it and parseltongue, beause dragons were apable of making a snarling “kh” and “rrrk” sound that snakes ouldn’t do so at exatly 3:48 am on friday m, harry looked at the transted sentene one wyvern had spoken to another

    “luky boy it’s too bad that you’re the intended of a veriae”

    intended of a veriae? what did that mean? hmmm herne had that book on veriae- people before, maybe she heked it bak in but looking revealed that, no, she hadn’t well, then he would just have to ask her to see it

    herne looked at him for a long moment before smiling and fething the book from her dorm, saying something like, “what’s mine is yours, harry, you know that,” and left him to his reading harry thought that look was rather odd, but he walked up to his dorm and olpsed on the bed merlin, he was tired a nap would be good right now he’d skip whatever ss he might have this m and sleep in, then he’d look up what that “intended” thing was, and then go down to care of magial creatures yes, very good pn harry, he told himself sleeping sure looked good right about now

    herne and ron were waiting for harry at the entrane to the grounds, as they always did on fridays, to walk down to their magial creatures ss but they notied that something was different about harry this friday as he made his way over to him

    “something wrong mate?” ron asked

    “sorta i’ll tell you when we get to ss”

    harry’s two friends shared a knowing look as they followed harry aross the grounds another person too, had notied the slight differene in harry, but was trying to onvine himself that he didn’t are

    wonder what’s wrong with sarhead? drao thought well, potter would tell his friends soon enough, most likely in creatures (drao still didn’t know why he himself ontinued to take that ss…) ah, the joys of being a veriae…it was rather windy today one of the things drao liked about breezes…they were very hatty he ouldn’t speak to them himself, but they had the unanny ability to figure out what he wanted to know and so, every part of the n potter and his friends had would be heard by drao

    “you know, then?” ron asked as they stood away from the other groups that were taking are of their test harge…a mini-dog-looking-thing that had a strange fish-like tail and webbed paws

    “you mean you read the book too?”

    “no, “ne told me what are you going to do?”

    “what an i do? i like drao malfoy as muh as you do”

    “whih isn’t very muh then,” ron met herne’s gre “what? i’m being truthful”

    harry smiled softly “i know you’re trying your best to support me, ron stop looking at him like that, herne after all, as long as i don’t rejet malfoy over there, nothing bad hens”

    “are you sure about this harry?”

    “positive i will not be bonded to malfoy”

    “thank you merlin,” ron muttered under his breath, earning ano
