《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读12

    “you’re te potter,” drao muttered as harry got lose enough to hear him without raising his voie

    “let’s just get this over with,” harry muttered

    “fine by me,” drao shot bak, turning to lead the way into the forest that he was quite used to by now thank you father, he thought silently as harry followed lose behind him, obusly not having a lue about where he was going

    gathering two of the ingredients went fairly easily drao led, harry followed w slightly why he wasn’t disturbed that drao knew where he was going and then resolved to think about that ter but when they roahed the spot where drao knew there was a gan tree, harry suddenly stopped short drao ontinued walking for a few steps and then realized that harry wasn’t with him he turned to see the boy staring ahead at the downward slope of the ground that was overed in a root anopy

    “i’ve been here before we don’t want to be going in there”

    “yes, potter, we do want to be going in here as it is the fastest and most diret route to the st ingredient that we need and i for one want to get to bed”

    “drao, you don’t uand there are thousands, milns even, of giant—”

    “spiders? yes i know”

    “they enjoy eating flesh—did you know that?”

    “i had assumed so they don’t bother with a veriae, so i never tested my theory”

    harry looked pointedly at drao, and drao realized that he had overlooked the slight problem of harry not being a veriae he rolled his eyes, only slightly visible in the darkness of the wood

    “fine you stay here i’ll go get the gan’s hair” drao spoke as if he was very annoyed by the injustie of all this “but you have to arry everything bak”

    harry didn’t point out the fat that he already was arrying the other two ingredients, and nodded, wathing the aristorat disear into the ave-like struture ahead of him

    harry waited and waited…and finally figured that time was relevant he was sure that he was ounting the seonds when he first heard the sounds, like wheezing only in a very regur breathing pattern and then he heard the somewhat silent sound of slithering oming towards him and something that he had fored himself to memorize for snape’s seond test liked in his head

    wyvern! his mind sreamed winged, legless dragons that breathed a yellow fog whih gave humans a nasty ough that wouldn’t go away for years, and made their eyes burn and blur damn and what’s more is that their hide repelled magi of all sorts double damn

    he half twisted to see three pairs of eyes wathing him bloody hell

    the reatures slowly emerged from the brush, speaking to eah other in the nguage of dragons it was what parseltongue had inated from and harry ould ath a few words…words that by themselves formed a very dis piture nally, harry began to bak towards the ave whih would lead to the spiders’

    drao emerged from the ave to just avoid running into harry, who had leapt bak to avoid the fog of three wyverns what were they doing here? the wind of the forest rustled through the trees and told him drao saw red







    drao did not like that at all something nagged at the bak of his mind that told him that he shouldn’t are if the wyverns hurt harry…but that nagging diseared when he aught a glimpse of the emon boiling in harry’s eyes






    something inside of drao sned wings unfurled, sparkling in the dim light harry half turned to see drao standing there, and began to bak away from the veriae slightly drao shoved the st ingredient into his hands and attaked the first wyvern never saw what hit it as wings seemed toaround its body, shredding the skin and spilling ritial amounts of blood it fell to the ground dead within seonds

    the other two wyverns looked at drao suspusly, then turned to look at harry with a strange expresn…surprise, if it was possible for a dragon desent to show surprise harry frowned as they spoke to eah other

    “luky—hiss—too bad—growl—intended—snarl—veriae”

    they left, obusly not wanting to invoke the already angry veriae, and harry didn’t bme them, but what had they been talking about? harry suddenly wanted to find a way to learn to speak dragontongue it was possible to uand it with a bit of studying, just another dialet of parseltongue after all

    drao stood in shok after he had entered his rooms and losed the door what had he done? why had he done it? he had proteted harry? he had willingly proteted harry? he had been angry that harry-bloody-potter had been attaked by wyverns why should he even are?

    beause harry’s aura mathed his—no he didn’t know that he only thought that, only had the slightest suspn of thinking that maybe that ould have the slightest hane of being the ase…

    yeah right and if drao malfoy hadn’t resigned himself to the fat that harry potter was his intended, drao the veriae malfoy ertainly wasn’t ompining in the name of all things magial…why him? why ouldn’t it have been someone—anyone—else?

    drao groaned and threw himself down on his bed in a very unmalfoyish bout of depresn (beause one, malfoys never beome depressed, and two, malfoys do not throw themselves onto their beds while, three, wearing lothes that they wore into the forbidden forest) was there even a bright side of this problem? oh yeah, if he ever wanted to ommit suiide for some reason he ould just go have a little hat with harry potter

