《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读9

    harry’s eyebrows rose “hy reading, i guess,” he finally said

    “it’s really iing atually many of our own ustoms were based after the veriae ustoms, suh as the whole ‘head of the house’ idea, whih ame from the veriae aspetus”

    “you’re going to need to expin all this, right?”

    “yes, it’s a ompliated system harry, you look dead on your feet you should try to sleep”

    after harry had gone into the boys dormitory, herne frowned worriedly and re-read the paragraph she had been absorbed in before harry ame down

    it takes months, and in some ases years, for veriae to learn to ontrol their wings beause just having their wings makes the veriae prone to rash mood swings the instint of the wings is to protet the veriae at all ost, and thus for the first few months after the first rebirth the slightest anger may set them off but it is iing to note, that while the veriae may not be able to ontrol the wings, the veriae’s intended an the touh of the veriae’s soul mate makes even the sharpest, most angry feathers instantly hange to their soft form so as not to hurt the veriae’s intended

    “oh my, harry what have you gotten yourself into now?” herne whispered worriedly absorbed in her book, the girl ontinued reading long into the night

    luius malfoy sat wathing the fmes sputter and die, and ontinued sitting monless after the room went dark, his sight now fousing ily on the small harred irle that the ring—urrently on his finger—had left in the floor

    dumbledore sat absently stroking fawkes’s feathers, thinking bak to when he had first seen the mathing aura between the two boys, after fawkes had pointed it out to him, and wondered how this would affet the onoming war

    drao malfoy slept soundly, his eyes flikering to a olor of silver and gold underh losed eyelids, and slept soundly, enlosed in his bk aura

    and up in the gryffindor boys’ dormitory, harry potter slept soundly as well, enlosed in protetive bk wings that kept out all the nightmares

    chapter 5: mathing auras

    “you look three-fourths dead,” luius stated as snape made his way into the room at seven in the m

    “thanks for aring,” snape shot bak spitefully “seeing as you’re the reason i and forty other people are like this right now” he wined as he put weight on musles that were loath to do anything “and why in merlin’s name didn’t you keep the fire going?”

    luius shrugged in the darkness (he hadn’t minded the old of the dungeon room) as his eyes wandered in the diren of the firepe there was a slight shift in the air of the room and fmes leapt up from nothing, flooding the room with light

    “i hate when you do that,” snape muttered, slowly making his way to the ouh

    “it’s as natural to me as your wand is to you,” luius ommented asually

    “and drao’s going to learn how to do that?” snape eased his cr-battered body onto the plush usns of the ouh “i’m getting too old for this”

    luius’s eyebrows rose “and yet i’m older than you” swithing subjets he ontinued, “i take it he was slightly displeased”

    “fuus, seething, fire and brimstone and all that you name it, he was ten times worse not a fun evening”

    “sounds like it” a pause “you’re in no shape to teah today”

    “have to albus has me teahing both pons and defense this year too many sses to just anel them all”

    “i’ll over them for you i need something to do anyway” luius smirked “i’m sure i an think of something to do in your defense sses on the subjet of the dark arts”

    “emphases on defense, luius”

    the elder malfoy raised an eyebrow “ruin my fun will you?”

    “that’s my job,” snape muttered, his body slipping into sleep

    “one of many,” luius remarked before getting up he needed to have a disusn with the headmaster

    “harry, mate you need to wake up sooner or ter” ron’s voie argued with the lump that was a sleepy harry

    “don’t wanna,” harry mumbled into his pillow

    “yeah, i wouldn’t either, but you have to”

    “ron, it’s monday”

    “and you have pons first thing, i know we do this every week”

    harry had to admit that ron had a point

    “harry, if you don’t get up i’m going to have to resort to drasti measures—”

