《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读10

    harry groaned as he remembered the asade of water that had been used to drag him from his bed st week

    “—and you never know, maybe snape will want to anel ss today too”


    “sorry, mate you asked for it”

    and harry yelped as old water flooded down on top of him

    drao also was having a hard time getting his own self down to breakfast his was not a sleep problem, no he had gotten up as he always did, and had gone through his normal m routine…his was a different sort of problem a dread kind of problem he had awoken to his seond aspetus, whih had reminded him that this would be a horrible day all night he was sure that the rumor mill of hogwarts had been hurning, and now at breakfast the fi gossip hogwarts ould offer would be handed to him on a silver ptter well, not literally, but lose enough drao eained the thought of just not going to breakfast and earing in his godfather’s ss for pons, the one pe where he knew he ould find some amount of sympathy this m but he was a malfoy, and malfoys did not are what people thought of them…sometimes he wished he ould hange some of these rules

    “drao, get up you will not be te,” his father’s voie sounded on the other side of the painting that was the door

    “ing father,” drao murmured, and rossed his room to the door opening it, he found his father waiting for him as per the normal m routine…and for the first time drao saw his father’s aura

    luius saw his son blink in surprise and smirked “not what one expets is it?”

    father and son began walking towards the entrane to the forbidden forest as they did every m

    “not really…it’s red”

    “imagine my hagrin, waking up to find it’s not just any red, drao it’s gryffindor red”


    luius nodded “but it’s even more uus to see how losely gryffindor red resembles blood red”

    drao frowned, thinking he blinked in surprise when he realized his father was right the olor of the ns was lose to a bloody red strange

    “it’s not as bad as some,” luius ommented “i’d rather have red than…well your godfather’s for instane…or the dark lord’s”


    “well, your godfather’s is pure white not a very evil aura that’s for sure, and one that doesn’t fit his lifestyle at all and voldemort’s…is…pink”

    drao sputtered in surprise “what?”

    “not just any pink either, neon pink”

    drao’s steps wanted to drag themselves towards the doors to the great hall, but drao was a malfoy and malfoys did not ever drag their footsteps, so he was stuk walking slowly but purposefully but malfoy rules be damned, he stopped walking as he saw who waited for him at those doors

    “crabbe, goyle what are you doing here?”

    “waiting for you”

    blunt as ever crabbe, drao thought, but he ouldn’t help feeling a bit rehensive they might not have been the smartest brains in the shool, but they had been his hildhood friends and drao was ertain that, two on one, he would lose against them

    “look, drao, there’s a lot of stuff being said about you,” goyle started “but we don’t see a differene”

    drao blinked then smirked “good one, goyle,” he spoke yes, they might not have been the brightest of the bunh, but crabbe and goyle were as loyal as any gryffindors one they had ped their loyalties “shall we go eat?”

    hushed whispers followed drao as he made his way through the great hall, walking in the self-assured style only a malfoy knew how to aomplish, ompletely ign what was being said behind him, crabbe and goyle gred at anyone who looked too long in the wrong way at drao, and they had their work ut out for them it seemed

    drao wasn’t paying attenn to all that though, he was sanning the slytherin tables, notiing the different olored auras reds, blues, greens, even a silver, but no bk none nothing lose to bk well, there went his first hoie of life partner not that drao was looking, mind you, he was just uus

    taking his ustomary seat iween crabbe and goyle, drao aught sight of the staff table and noted with disoi that snape wasn’t there he would have enjoyed seeing the professor surrounded by a seemingly pure aura

    his eyes swept over the ravenw and hufflepuff tables still no bk tons of yellow, a few different shades of red, even some weird mix of purple and green, but no bk maybe his soul mate wasn’t at hogwarts?

    deiding, at least for the moment, that his soul mate must not be at hogwarts sine there were only a few hairs left (two of these being the hairs aross from an le-red- aura-granger), drao turned his attenn bak to his breakfast the slytherins were obusly split in their deins about him, he notied one part thought it was a ool idea to have a student with the ability to spear anyone when angry, even if it was with a feather after all, it was an iing kind of power the other group foused on the fat that it wasn’t pure wizard blood the two halves of the slytherin definin, it seemed lukily, most of his normal group of ompatts (suh as bise, pansy, and nott) were in the first group

    breakfast was a meal that always went by too fast in drao’s opin espeially on a monday, and this monday was no different but as drao stood to make his way down to the dungeons for pons a fliker of a partiur aura aught his eye ebony bk a perfet dupliate of his own aura drao’s eyes widened as he registered who that aura belonged to, and blinked the world instantly swithed from glowy to normal, all auras disearing, leaving only that person sitting at the gryffindor table potter harry potter he had only seen the aura for a seond before his aspetus had stopped, but…was it potter’s? drao suddenly didn’t like this situan he didn’t like this at all
