《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读8

    but the forest wasn’t so bad, one the more hostile reatures had figured out that you ould aptly protet yourself at any moment you hose to the entaurs were, well, they were quite weird at times, yet helpful at others they were muh more open to him now that he was seen as another of the forest’s reatures and not just a rogue wizard who hened to be in the viinity this attitude irked drao for some reason, but it didn’t really matter, he deided yes, it would be iing when potter finally figured out that he would have to go rooting around in the forest for ertain ingredients…srath that, most of the ingredients this ould have some iing prospets after all

    luius paed up and down in front of the fire pe angrily up down up down if snape had ever wathed muggle tennis, he would have been able to make a omparison, but sine he didn’t make a point of wathing muggle sports, he ould only wath as luius walked from one end of his range of vin to the other and bak again with a foreful stride

    “stop paing luius, you’re giving me a headahe” he spoke finally

    the elder malfoy stopped and instead turned to wath the slightly green fmes that were rakling noisily in the fire pe

    “he doesn’t get it yet” luius spoke finally “he was so preoupied over that pons assig you gave him to think learly at all”

    “it might not be as bad—”

    luius turned to fix the other slytherin graduate with a gre snape shut up quikly

    “not as bad just wait until the rumor mill gets w by m, the least desriptive story will be something along the lines of ‘the dark lord is trying to ome up with the perfet mix of blood for magi and so his most trusted family deided to experiment with their own son’ and that will probably ome from the slytherins who have known drao”

    “the gryffindors will merely stop at ‘he’s a freak’” snape put in helpfully

    “and the ravenws will want to study him,” luius sned “if i didn’t already want to ring weasley’s nek, i surely would now!”

    “whih one?” snape asked sarastially “beause i’ll help” he paused to hand luius a gss of brandy, whih the elder malfoy promptly drank in one shot “luius, drao may be the talk of the shool tomorrow, but he’ll handle it he’ll probably enjoy it, strangely enough the first real hane he’s had to use the full reputan of the malfoy family, you an’t tell me he won’t live it up to its full potential he wouldn’t be drao if he didn’t”

    anything else severus would have added was ut off by a burning pain on his arm he hissed, at the same time as luius did, and while his hand went to his arm in an attempt to numb the burning feeling, luius was busy w something off the middle finger of his right hand severus blinked as whatever luius was w on ame off and flew to nd on the floor with a tter small, golden, and irur snape looked at luius in surprise as he reognized the tell-tale rest of the malfoy family that was ethed into the bk stone of the ring, the bk stone that was glowing a bright red

    “i’m having another one made, but it will take a month or so” luius spoke, answering the unspoken quesn “until then it would be unbeoming of the head of the malfoy household not to wear the sig ring, don’t you think?” snape’s eyes traveled to luius’s hand where he ould see a band of sar tissue that marked the spot on luius’s finger where the metal had met skin

    “are you going?”


    “i’ll have to tell him then”

    “five me for saying i’m gd it’s you and not me”

    snape smiled ruefully as he made his way towards the door

    “do you want me to wait up for you?” the quesn ame softly, but firmly from in front of the firepe

    “some brandy would be nie,” snape replied equally as softly before he left

    “what are you still doing up, herne?” a somewhat tired voie asked herne looked up from where she had been urled up in an armhair, reading

    “couldn’t sleep you?”

    “death eater meeting he’s feeling rather…destrutive tonight i wonder what made him so angry?” the st part was sarasti

    “do you think malfoy didn’t go?” herne asked softly

    “the marauder’s map states quite learly that luius malfoy is urrently sitting in snape’s offie and snape isn’t anywhere on hogwarts grounds”

    herne nodded thoughtfully as harry sat down on the sofa near her his eyes flikered to a bk objet on the table “why do you have that, herne?”

    “researh purposes be areful, harry it’s sharp enough to ut through stone as if it was jello”

    harry frowned “and malfoy keeps wings of these in his bak?” he piked up the feather gingerly ““ne? are you sure this is that sharp?”

    “yes malfoy was angry, ergo his feathers were sharp”

    “doesn’t seem sharp to me”

    herne’s eyes widened as she looked at the feather sure enough, the feather harry held in his hands was not razor edged, but silken frowning, she reahed for it but jerked her hand away when the part losest to her reverted bak to its razor state when her hand neared it

    “maybe it doesn’t think you’re a threat to drao,” she suggested

    “herne, are you trying to tell me that these feathers an think?”

    “no, but they an feel they are the veriae’s link to the magial urrents running through the veriae’s body”

    “so these are like the veriae form of wands?”


    “found anything else out that i should know?” transted: should i be wathing out for anything if i annoy malfoy?

    “i don’t know yet, harry there are painfully few books about veriae in the library this one ame from the restrited sen”

