《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读7

    “no more like, he’s retired now” harry muttered

    “mental the whole thing is mental,” ron murmured, and harry privately thought, ron you have no idea

    “so what did he say about the da?” herne asked, to hange the subjet

    “oh, yeah, did you ask him?”

    “he said we ould as long as all ‘pr ommitments’ were upheld or something”

    “in other words: sswork” ron rified

    “right he also…requested we add another member one who may or may not show up”

    “who would that be?” ron asked quizzially

    “it’s drao malfoy, isn’t it?” herne asked and ron looked at her as if she was razy

    “it an’t be ferret, herne—” ron stopped at the look on harry’s fae “it is malfoy? you didn’t say yes, did you?”

    “he probably won’t ome,” harry muttered

    “you’re absolutely right,” herne agreed, looking pointedly in ron’s diren “he won’t ome”

    “but what if he does?” ron asked “then we’ll have to at all nie-”

    “not if we’re dueling him,” harry put in, and ron aught on to what harry was implying

    “i like that idea, harry”

    drao malfoy returned to sses theday, looking for all the world as if he had not fainted, or bked out, or fallen down graefully at supper the night before in fat, drao malfoy himself ouldn’t remember muh about the bking out part, so he brushed off any inquiries about his health (along with inquiries about why he hadn’t been in the hospital wing) all was going along like a normal shool day for drao malfoy so when ron weasley hened to brush by him after lunh, he wasn’t expeting a shouting o

    for ron weasley the day was not going so well it seemed to be one of those days where nothing went right and everything that ould possibly go wrong did go wrong and ron assumed that if he had been in pons (whih he thankfully wasn’t) his auldron would have melted on him, just to make the day worse and his friends weren’t helping either as herne seemed never to have a bad day and therefore wasn’tat all, and harry seemed preoupied with dreading his upoming pons ss to worry about how bad ron’s day was so when he hened to run into malfoy leaving the great hall after lunh and the little ferret had the audaity to snipe ‘wath where he was going’ ron let it all out

    “oh, and i’m sure we’re going to all have to wath what we do around you now malfoy, we wouldn’t want you fainting again” he spoke snidely

    “shut it weasel, or you might find yourself bking out, or should i say knoked out”

    “oh, great omebak have you been w on them with daddy in your free time, beause now i bet he has a lot of time to spend on you, and everyone knows that death eaters always have the best omebaks, don’t they?”

    harry gulped as anger began to radiate off drao, but no one else seemed to notie “ron this might not be the best—” he started in a low whisper

    “don’t you ever talk about my father that way!” drao shouted a small ripping sound was heard and ron stepped bak as two bk wings of sharpened feathers sprouted out of drao’s bak

    “what the—”

    “drabsp;calm down this instant!” snape eared at drao’s elbow

    “not until he takes bak what he said about my father!” drao hissed, his wings sning fuusly, a lone feather breaking loose and falling to the floor

    snape rolled his eyes “weasley, apologize twenty points from gryffindor for antagonizing another student”

    as ron mumbled a ompletely insinere apology, harry turned to herne and whispered “when you get some time, look up veriae in the library, will you?”

    the girl nodded, still looking at the bk wings and the slie of stone that one lone feather had arved out of the floor just by drifting to it

    chapter 4: lifemate sighted

    harry silently fumed as he took his seatto herne for pons still no sign of malfoy anywhere, and the git had two minutes to get to ss but, harry stopped himself, why in merlin’s name did he are? after drao had “almed down” and the wings had reeded, the insufferable prat had left, going in the diren of the slytherin dormitories (as harry’s experiene from seond year had taught him), probably to hange his robes and he’d probably be five to ten minutes te to ss but would snape are? not at all so harry sat fuming at the unfairness of it all

    harry was so buried in his internal rant that he didn’t notie the arrival of drao malfoy, or the sudden hush that went around the room as all eyes (but harry’s) turned to look at the young aristorat if drao was bothered by their looks, he didn’t show it, and harry, finally realizing the blonde’s existene in ss not thirty seonds before ss began, thought that malfoy would probably enjoy being in the spotlight

    drao pointedly ignored the stares from his ssmates as he made his way to his ustomary workpe he was the only one at his table as he preferred to work alone, whih now drao realized was a good thing, as he didn’t have to worry about w with a partner who was fretting about him sprouting wings every two seonds

    “well if you would all be so kind as to stop looking at mr malfoy, i believe you all have work to do,” snape sned as he entered the ssroom in the same manner he had done so sine harry’s first pons ss in first year “but before you get to that, i am going to assign theprojet that you will be w on and your partners”

    a olletive shudder went around the room snape’s regur work was hard enough, but when he assigned projets…well they normally had the effet that the wooden horse had on troy the only two who had survived—muh less passed—the st projet were drao and herne, who had worked by themselves everyone else had been sent to the infirmary for vaus reasons harry himself had enjoyed an iing time where his eyes ha
