《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读6

    luius paused for a moment, looking at his son “drao, did you see anyone with an aura mathing your own?”

    “i didn’t have time to look at myself” drao pointed out bnkly

    “what olor was it when you lost onusness?”


    “just bk?”

    drao thought “yes bk, like ebony almost”

    “then that’s your aura”

    drao thought again he remembered seeing someone with a bk aura…but no details ame to mind “i an’t remember anyone with my aura”


    harry denied the offered lemon drop as he sat down in a plush hair in front of dumbledore’s desk dumbledore was quiet for a moment, as if arefully hoosing the orret words to begin

    “there are many things we need to disuss, harry”

    “why is mr malfoy here?”

    “not for the reason you are assuming, harry, i’m sure he is here purely for family reasons”

    “but he’s a death eater-”

    “without a dark mark”

    harry stopped his outburst “so he removed it—”

    “harry, you annot just ‘remove’ the dark mark believe me, severus has tried a dozen times and nothing works the reason luius malfoy does not have a dark mark is beause there wasn’t one there to begin with”

    “how” it was a statement, not a quesn, and dumbledore had been fored to ome to a rossroads

    “that is rman that annot leave this room, harry but, you have many times not had enough rman, perhaps unjustly, so i am now going to trust that you will keep this in utmost seret only speak of your knowledge when you know the time is right” dumbledore looked at harry, as if ompelling harry to think about this st statement harry nodded

    “many times in this shool, the subjet of pureblooded wizards has ome out in the open luius and drao malfoy are pureblood wizards, but not from wizard blood”

    harry blinked

    “they are from a group alled the veriae, known in textbooks as the atra veritas, or, transted, ‘bk truth’ you ould think of them as wizards, for in fat they are, but wizards who are more hindered with a wand than without one they rely on the magi granted to them by their rebirth every month and by their wings, wings whih you have seen”

    harry nodded, remembering the rge bk wings that had sprouted from luius’s bak

    “these wings have two forms, the sharpened form that ears when the veriae are angry or engered, or the silken form when they are hy or o these wings go through a rebirth one a month, muh as the rebirth of a phoenix, only they don’t burn from these wings the veriae are in tune with the magi that surrounds our world and they all upon this magi in their wings instead of the magi in the wand ore but all that aside, the reason luius is here is beause drao needs the guie of one of his own kind during this phase that he has entered into alled the aspetus”

    “what does that do?”

    “that is not my business to tell you harry it is drao’s you will have to ask him for the details on the matter”

    harry sowled yeah right, he thought

    “bak to the subjet of luius, whih i’m sure is still irking you luius malfoy has, of yesterday, eased to be a death eater this also has to do with his veriae lineage, but the details are unimportant know that there is no threat poised from his former death eater bakground now harry, i believe you wanted to talk to me about something other than luius malfoy’s sudden earane”

    “yes well, herne, ron, and i wanted to talk to you about the da”

    “you mean about whether i would allow, or even ene, you to ontinue it?”


    dumbledore thought for a moment “i see no reason why that would be a problem, as long as all pr ommitments are met, suh as homework”

    harry smiled at this everyone in the da would be pleased to hear this; they really hadn’t liked the idea of holding meetings behind dumbledore’s bak again

    “but i have a request that you allow one other student to join you you need not extend the invitan yourself; i will speak to him about it and he may not hoose to attend anyway, but i request that you extend the opn”

    harry’s brain liked and he had a sinking suspn he knew whih student dumbledore was talking about “you mean malfoy?”

    “yes, i was referring drao he needs to get used to not using a wand, as it will only hinder him in upoming battles”

    harry nodded, privately thinking that it was okay to ‘extend the invitan’ as dumbledore alled it, beause there was no way that drao malfoy would ever step foot in one of the da meetings

    “so then, luius malfoy was a spy?” herne asked

