《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读5

    i was right, harry thought it was malfoy that was oming to hogwarts

    luius walked quikly to where the teahers were now gathered around something on the floor that harry ouldn’t see madam pomfrey rose from where she had been kneeling on the floor and spoke

    “he seems for all purposes to be asleep, mr malfoy”

    “of ourse he is his body needs time to adjust” luius turned to dumbledore “when did it start?”


    the elder malfoy nodded and bent down when he straightened, harry aught sight of what, or more aurately who, had been on the floor drao harry felt a twinge of…what exatly? jealousy? at seeing the are ethed on drao’s father’s fae no…sympathy? couldn’t be just something for malfoy? there was something wrong here harry shook it off he ouldn’t have felt a twinge of anything for malfoy just ouldn’t the world didn’t work that way

    harry was brought out of his reverie by luius speaking “where is drao’s room?”

    harry blinked drao had his own dorm? he sowled money really spoke too muh these days

    “mr malfoy, i think it would be wiser to put him in the hospital wing-” madam pomfrey started

    “are you stating that i annot look after my own son?” luius ut her off, hissing slightly

    snape wined, and harry agreed with him he had only seen luius this fuus one… and at that time he was soooo thankful that dobby was iween him and the elder malfoy e to think of it…harry hadn’t even seen luius that angry at the department of mysteries…maybe the elder malfoy wasn’t as loyal to voldemort as he thought

    “it’s shool poliy—”

    “have you ever treated a veriae, madam pomfrey? i guarantee you haven’t,” luius snarled

    “drao is a wizard, mr malfoy, not a veriae”

    again snape wined, but this time so did dumbledore luius smirked

    “you think i don’t know what my son is?” a slight ripping sound was heard as huge bk wings erupted from luius’s bak they reahed up towards the eiling of the great hall, taller in fat than two full grown men the light of the great hall shone off them, as if they were oated in metal they even looked sharp, nothing like the wings in harry’s dream

    snape whispered something in poppy’s ear that harry didn’t hear, but the nurse baked down

    “i’ll show you where it is,” she muttered in luius’s diren

    the elder malfoy nodded his wings twithed and then reeded bak into the skin of his bak, almost as if the feathers were folding in on themselves and dissolving

    snape and luius left the hall, the elder malfoy still arrying a sleeping drao dumbledore turned to the rest of the teahers present “we need to have a staff meeting”

    many of the teahers had a “duh” expresn on their faes, and harry almost ughed at the thought of someone else not knowing what was going on for one

    “in my offie, now” dumbledore deided, and the teahers, one by one, walked out of the great hall dumbledore himself walked past the spot where harry was hiding and stopped

    “i would like to see you in my offie as well, harry you’re not in trouble but we have things to disuss”

    chapter 3: mutual unwillingness

    “do you need anything?” snape asked as luius id drao on the green and silver bedspread

    “a bottle of port would be nie,” luius ommented

    snape rolled his eyes “i meant for drao, not for you”

    “then nothing he’ll be up and about soon enough he’s not hurt after all, just adjusting”

    snape nodded “fine then” and the pons master left the two malfoys alone

    luius looked around the room it was just a dupliate of the slytherin dormitory really, exept that there was one bed instead of a few, all draped in the ssi slytherin green and silver, with a firepe to warm the room (for it was in the dungeon), and a small desk for drao to write on drao’s trunk was sitting, open, at the foot of his bed and luius ould see a stak of parhment inside it

    after a few minutes of thought, luius transfigured one of the sheets into a bottle of port and another into a wine gss suh as the ones he drank from in the manor luius stared into the fmes of the fire, whih were also green and silver, as he sipped the wine the room was very quiet, save the rakling of the fire, and luius’s mind easily slipped bak to when he had gone through his first aspetus

    he remembered that day he had been in a really bad mood beause there had been a gnawing headahe at the bak of his skull all day, and he had skipped dinner for the silene of his own room his aspetus hadn’t hit until after he had fallen asleep and he remembered vividly waking to see the entire room glowing different shades of green at the darkest hour of the night it had left shortly after, so he hadn’t atually seen the mathing aura of his life mate until a few months had gone by but he had to wonder if drao haned to see an aura that mathed his own it was probable, however highly unlikely

    he was shaken from his reverie by an estati, “father!” and he turned to see drao sitting up exitedly

    “how are you feeling?” luius asked, rossing to the bedside

    “fine the glowing stopped”

    “yes, i imagine it would it will ome bak in a few days, eah time for a longer amount of time”

    drao looked skeptial “is the headahe going to ome bak too?”


    “oh that’s okay then”

