《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读4

    “no and only a malfoy an open it, so they ouldn’t even look for trial purposes”

    “well that’s a stupid rule”

    “maybe, maybe not some families store the bones of their aors in there”


    “read it in the quibbler”

    harry shook his head “let’s just go down to dinner”

    the two joined their fellow students in the great hall and ron filled herne in on what his father had written to him she didn’t say anything at first, but any reply she would have made was ut off by dumbledore signaling for silene in the great hall

    “i have an important an to make hogwarts is going to be reeiving a guest for a few months i ask that you all be espeially ourteous to him during his stay here he will be arriving ter tonight now tuk in”

    as the food eared as it did every night, harry looked suspusly at dumbledore a guest? harry had a sinking suspn he knew who that guest was, but he hoped he was wrong

    “any guesses who that is?” ron asked sarastially

    “obusly it’s malfoy,” herne spoke quietly

    “wonder why he didn’t just announe it,” harry wondered

    “bsp;you imagine what that would have started?” herne asked “i think he was smart not to announe it wait until the students’ parents are told that he’s i before telling the shool”

    “that does make some sense,” ron admitted

    “but does that mean dumbledore believes malfoy?” harry asked “i mean, dumbledore was there he saw malfoy how an he believe that malfoy isn’t a death eater?”

    “maybe malfoy’s a spy like snape” herne spoke low so that only harry and ron ould hear

    “if he is, he’s sure a great ator,” ron muttered darkly then, “you know something strange? ferret hasn’t spoken about it one”

    “that is strange,” harry murmured

    through the pressure in his head, drao felt his heart leap so his father was oming to hogwarts? of ourse dumbledore didn’t ome out and say that, but it made sense after all fudge would want someone like dumbledore to onfirm that his father wasn’t a death eater…whih in itself was really funny beause dumbledore knew that his father was a death eater then again, dumbledore was the headmaster of the shool, so shouldn’t he have the harateristis of the shool’s founders? he ertainly was smart like ravenw, and he was brave like gryffindor the number of hufflepuff qualities in dumbledore was startling…but slytherin? well, he just proved he had slytherin qualities lying to the minister of magi well, fudge was an it, so maybe that didn’t really ount


    drao turned to look at pansy, who was sitting aross from him “what?”

    “ummm, your eyes are really silver today”

    that got drao’s attenn “really? more so than usual?”

    bise, sittingto pansy, looked at drao losely “muh more so…maybe even a little gold”

    drao’s eyes widened silver and gold? oh no outwardly he soffed, “you must be seeing things”

    pansy shrugged “they’re your eyes, drao”

    all through dinner drao ouldn’t orate the ahing in the bak of his skull had spread to his temples, and he was starting to see a strange glowing if he looked at something long enough suddenly the pain broke drao blinked and the world went from normal, to glowy that was the only way to desribe it everything, even the wood of the tables glowed some of the students near him were almost blinding time seemed to slow; a dull r began in his ears…as if he was uer the voies of the students talking were muffled and seemed far away and as he looked around the great hall, it was just too muh many, if not half of the students were glowing like miniature suns of different olors blues, lets, greens, whites, reds, all the glowing olors seemed to swim before his eyes before all went bk he only barely heard pansy’s sream

    the effet was instantaneous there was an uproar in the great hall those on the opposite side of the hall (gryffindors mostly) had no idea what was going on hufflepuffs and ravenws also only barely knew what was going on and there was almost omplete haos at the slytherin table suddenly dumbledore’s voie rang out

    “silence!” another instantaneous effet “all houses will please return to their dormitories in an orderly fasn”

    harry frowned what was going on? pulling ron behind a statue just outside the great hall, he whispered, “i’m going to find out what’s going on”

    ron gaped as he pulled his invisibility loak out of his bag

    “you arry that with you?”

    harry looked at him briefly before putting it on “of ourse i’ll tell you what i find out”

    “okay mate, but if herne tries to bite your head off, don’t turn to me for help this is a bad idea”

    “you’re starting to sound like herne, ron i have to talk to dumbledore anyway”

    and with that harry slowly snuk bak into the great hall, whih was no easy feat, onsidering everyone else was trying to move in the other diren

    about half of the students had filed out when the doors to the great hall opened and snape walked in harry almost ughed at the stunned look on the pons master’s fae then something seemed to lik as he looked at the slytherin table (and the slytherins that were loath to just leave drao like that) and he walked a little ways outside the door he yelled something that harry ouldn’t hear to someone harry ouldn’t see, and as the st few students were being esorted out of the great hall (again, most of these were slytherins) luius malfoy walked in

