《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读3

    “well, no, but it just looked too oial, luius i still don’t uand why you would be in the department of ministries that te at night anyway”

    luius pretended to be shoked “why minister, you know what it’s like living in the publi eye were it to be widely known that the malfoys had an item stored in the department of mysteries…well you an guess what people would assume”

    “yes, yes i suppose that makes sense you won’t be opposed to house arrest for a little while, just until this whole thing simmers down?”

    “of ourse not in fat, arras have already been made for my stay at hogwarts”

    fudge seemed to visibly rex if dumbledore found no problems with luius’s innoene, then there must not be any problems “that’s good”

    “good day, minister” luius spoke, and he and snape left the minister’s offie

    after arating to hogsmead, the two sat in silene for the arriage ride up to the astle, until snape spoke

    “i didn’t think the malfoys had items stored in the department of mysteries” he raised an eyebrow as luius smirked

    “we have the ste spae, yes”

    snape frowned “and may i ask what’s in that spae?”

    “absolutely nothing but only a malfoy an open it so no one’s going to find that out”

    snape hukled “how slytherin of you luius”

    “i try”

    “now about drao—”

    “what about drao?”

    “calm down, luius nothing’s hened yet this m dumbledore gave him his own dorm, so no students have aught on yet”

    “good hopefully we’ll keep it that way”

    “when should he start the aspetus?”

    luius frowned slightly “i’m surprised it hasn’t started already tradinally, the aspetus hens very soon after the first rebirth”

    “so that’s almost a month now”


    drao shifted uneasily in his hair, fighting bak the urge to massage his temples stupid headahe why in merlin’s name wouldn’t it go away? was it even possible to have a dull ahe in the bak of your skull for a full day? and then there was the glitter drao was sure of it now, he was starting to see fshes of…well, glittery light out of the orner of his eyes it was driving him razy bloody glitter, bloody headahe, bloody teaher for not letting ss out early so he ould go rex somewhere what was she talking about? oh, it didn’t matter anyway he’d figure it out ter

    harry had almost sueeded in fetting all about luius malfoy’s trial until just before dinner when he found ron sitting in the on room, looking as if christmas had been aneled

    “did you hear?” ron asked glumly


    “the trial malfoy’s not onvited anymore”

    harry looked at ron as if his friend was razy “you’re kidding, right?”

    “no, dad wrote me this afternoon they heked malfoy doesn’t have the dark mark”

    “how an he not have the mark? he’s a death eater”

    “well, it’s not there now even dumbledore said there wasn’t an illun spell on him”

    “so are people just going to fet that he was in the department of ministries that te at night?”

    “well, that was expined too arently the malfoys have something stored in the department of mysteries that he was retrieving”

    “again…at that time of night?”

    “publiity even dad admits that it’s a good alibi if we had something stored in the department of mysteries, we wouldn’t want it publi either and malfoy was given a key to the department earlier that day so that he ould get in when no one was around to wath”

    “i bet that’s how the death eaters got in then” harry muttered

    “yeah, probably so”

    “was it said what it was they were st?”

