《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读57


    “not everybody wants to be in the spotlight,” drao shrugged

    “yeah,” potter said thoughtfully “but still, what you’re doing—”

    “let’s not talk about that anymore,” drao ied the way potter was looking at him, almost awestruk, was making him unomfortable


    “maybe what mgonagall said wasn’t the worst idea we ould need more help”

    potter still looked fbbergasted

    “who would have thought it would ome to this?” drao quipped, shaking his head potter seemed to regain his omposure at drao’s words

    “i an’t believe you dragged me here and—”

    he stopped talking when drao squeezed his hand

    “don’t you feel better now?” he asked

    potter shot him a dark look “maybe,” he grumbled “still, you ould have at least warned me”

    “i thought it was better this way you always did your best work under pressure,” drao smirked “i wouldn’t have done it if i thought you ouldn’t handle it”

    potter briefly losed his eyes and took a deep breath

    “i guess it was a pretty nie thing to do,” he murmured when he opened his eyes, they were so soft and warm, it felt like he was seeing right into drao’s heart “you knew what she was going to say, didn’t you?”

    “obusly i didn’t,” drao snorted “otherwise, i would have been prepared to be exposed”

    “but you knew she wouldn’t be disointed in me”

    “that i knew,” he murmured “i hope this makes you realise that most of the pressure you’ve been feeling was put on you by yourself it’s your life, your hoies, nobody else’s”

    potter looked like he was about to tear up he was obusly trying very hard to hold it bak his mouth urved into a grateful smile before he leaned forward and brushed their lips together

    “thank you,” he whispered, squeezing drao’s hand again

    “yeah, sure, i, um—”


    they both startled, hastily jumping apart and finally letting go of eah other’s hand

    “i ouldn’t have said it better myself, malfoy,” mgonagall said as she handed him a rge envelope

    drao felt himself blush, mentally ursing his existene

    “we’ll be on our way, then,” drao said, keeping his eyes on the envelope

    “thank you, headmistress,” he heard potter murmur “i really reiate it everything”

    “don’t menn it, potter but…will you promise me something in return?”

    drao peered at potter from under his shes he looked a bit nervous

    “stop being your own worst enemy”

    potter opened his mouth, but no sound ame out before he ould say something stupid, drao reahed for his wrist

    “thank you, headmistress,” drao said, tugging potter towards the firepe

    “mr malfoy, mr potter,” mgonagall said, and they both turned around she gave them a look drao ouldn’t read her eyes were sparkling and there was something about the urve of her mouth that looked ompletely out of pe was it…amusement? “if i may speak freely one more time,” she said, raising her hin “it’s about damn time, you stubborn, oblius boys”

    thursday, 31 july 2003

    “you brought roissants”

    “i did”

    “and raspberries”

    potter grinned at him that loveable prat

    “i’m only eating if you are,” drao said, moning for him to sit down on his p

