《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读56

    “headmistress,” drao said softly “he’s—” he gned at potter, his heart twisting “he’s been having a really hard time with this”

    surprise fshed aross mgonagall’s features her eyes rested on potter as her expresn slowly softened “potter, i think you misuood” at that, potter’s eyes sned up to hers “when i promised you to help you beome an auror, it was a promise to help you fulfill your dreams dreams hange there’s nothing wrong with that”

    even though the words weren’t direted at him, drao felt warmth spread through his hest and a tingling sensan in his fingers it took him a moment to realise that the tingling was atually oming from potter it was his magi

    “you defeated the greatest evil our world ever had to fae you arried that burden for almost 18 years if anyone deserves to do whatever the hell they want, it’s you”

    drao almost burst out ughing he loved it when mgonagall swore

    “and i’ll promise you again, i’ll do everything in my power to help you do it”


    drao ould feel the disbelief and gratitude radiating from potter; he wondered if potter even realised what his magi was doing right now, seeping into drao it felt so intimate

    “the quesn is, what do you want to do?” mgonagall asked

    “i have absolutely no idea,” potter answered, sounding ashamed

    “not even one?”

    “well, i guess it would be nie to be helping people”

    if drao hadn’t been so distrated by the sensan of potter’s magi, he would have rolled his eyes of ourse potter wanted to dediate his time to other people

    mgonagall nodded, resting her forearms on her desk and iwining her fingers

    “it seems to me there’s a fairly easy and obus solun for that,” she said

    “what?” potter blinked “there is?”

    “of ourse! why don’t you just join malfoy in—”

    “headmistress,” drao interrupted her

    “what? oh you haven’t told him?”

    “told me what?” potter said, looking onfused

    ** drao had told mgonagall their arra should be kept a seret under all irumstanes she was the st person he had expeted to bb his seret

    “what is it?” potter pressed

    “i’m sorry,” mgonagall told drao, “i thought you two…” the rest of the unspoken sentene had drao’s mind spinning she obusly thought they were lose enough for drao to share his seret with potter

    “ugh, just tell him,” drao sighed he didn’t want to expin it himself

    “very well,” mgonagall said “about two years ago, mr malfoy roahed me with an idea”

    “what kind of idea?”

    “an infant shool”

    “what?” potter’s head whipped around to stare at drao “that shool was your idea?”

    “ah, so you do know about it”

    “he took me there,” potter murmured without taking his eyes off drao “but i didn’t know…”

    “well, he was rather persuasive,” mgonagall said with the ti hint of a smile “how did you put it? ‘we don’t need another lunati who wants to take over the world beause he thinks he’s better than everyone’”

    drao snorted “it’s true, isn’t it?”

    “what onvined me most,” mgonagall ontinued, “was what you said about wizarding hildren being united before they ome here while dividing them into houses isn’t meant to be pitting them against eah other, i an’t deny it’s a natural ourse, espeially with gryffindors and slytherins” her mouth urved upwards “but it’s nie to see that an turn out well”

    drao oughed, feeling heat rush to his heeks

    “oh, before i fet,” mgonagall said, “professor flitwik wanted to give you some douments on spellwork he was going to owl it to you, but sine you’re here…” she got out of her seat “i’ll be right bak”

    drao ould tell potter was dying to talk to him, but he waited until mgonagall had losed the door behind her

    “are you fuking seus?” he blurted

    drao tried to keep his fae impassive “what?”

    “you don’t just volunteer at that shool! it was your idea? it’s your shool?”

    “nobody knows about this potter, about my involvement at least pansy and bise know, oh, and luna, but i made them swear not to tell anybody”

