《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读50

    potter hummed and started to draw irles around his nipple with his tongue no matter how often drao had touhed himself, it had never felt anything like this when potter moved to the other side, to ontinue his blissful torture, drao ouldn’t help but gasp

    “you’re so reeptive i like that,” potter breathed his hands ran down the length of drao’s arms as he losed his mouth around his nipple and started to suk

    drao’s eyes rolled to the bak of his head he started squirming and panting when potter moved down to his ribage, his stomah, his hip…when he brushed his lips along the line of his waistband, drao thought he was going to pass out

    “we don’t have to do anything today,” potter murmured “we an take it slow”

    “bloody tease,” drao grumbled teasingly as he propped himself up on his elbows he held potter’s quesning gaze, hoping he ould see the burning desire drao felt in his hest

    “are you sure?” potter breathed, his fingers digging into drao’s sides

    “i just told you…how i feel and how long i’ve been…feeling it” so muh for being good with words

    potter’s expresn didn’t hange when he id his head on drao’s stomah, drao thought he didn’t believe him, didn’t want to ontinue but then, he felt a warm hand on his thigh, whih slowly rept upwards

    “ah!” drao almost leapt off the bed when potter radled his balls through his pants and started massaging them as if that wasn’t enough, he slowly losed his mouth around drao’s ok fuk! potter knew what he was doing! somehow, it was suh a turn on to feel the heat of his mouth without really feeling it; he ould only imagine what it would be like if potter pulled down his pants and really went for it

    he felt the push of potter’s tongue against his tip whih made his hips jerk unontrolbly he turned his head, pressing his heek into the mattress, only to be bombarded with potter’s delus sent that lung to his sheets

    “oh, merlin,” he groaned; as if in response, potter gave his balls a light squeeze, whih had him trembling from head to toe it only intensified when he felt potter shift he lifted his head and was met with the sight of potter, lying on his front between drao’s legs his pulse immediately went into a frenzy

    he wathed as potter urled a finger around his waistband and slowly pulled it down instintively, drao wanted to push up his hips, to help potter get them off, but instead, his head fell bak onto the mattress when potter started kissing and suking at his groin

    “fuk, fuk, fuk,” drao whispered under his breath it only seemed to ene potter to suk harder just when drao thought he wouldn’t be able to take any more of it, potter’s tongue vanishedthing he knew, he felt a old tikle on the spot where potter had probably left a mark “oh **,” he groaned as potter alternated between blowing and kissing his skin he was filled with so muh want, he thought he was going to lose onusness from it

    “your skin is so soft,” potter murmured, and drao felt his breath on his ok oh merlin, please, just—

    “nnngh!” drao was sure something in him was exploding when he felt potter’s hot tongue lik its way up his ok desperately, he grasped at the sheets as potter swirled his tongue around his tip he barely notied potter murmuring something before he realised his pants were gone; potter had vanished them mere seonds ter, his hand was ed around the base of drao’s ok as he slowly suked the head into his mouth “ah!”

    potter took him in deep, until his whole ok was surrounded by heat

    “potter! potter,” drao panted desperately as potter started bobbing his head instintively, drao reahed down and buried his hands into the disheveled mess of potter’s hair potter hummed in roval his movements were getting quiker, the press of his tongue firmer drao had no idea what the protool was for inf your partner you were lose very lose “potter, wait,” he blurted, propping himself up

    potter slowly released his ok with a pop and gave him a zy grin “already?”

    drao was too far gone to give him a sny retort he was too busy athing his breath

    “hey, um…” potter began, brushing his fingers through the golden hairs around the base of drao’s ok “i know you wanted me to top, err, you know, st time, but…”


    “i’m kind of in the mood for…”

    “for?” drao’s pulse quikened yet again

    “your ok”

    drao stared at him, his mouth hanging open “yeah, that’s—i mean, sure, if, um, if that’s…what you want” sweet merlin, if he wasn’t areful, he would ome right now, all over potter’s fae oh no, no, no, wrong image! wrong image!

    “is it what you want?” potter asked hesitantly

    instead of answering, drao grabbed his fae and gently pulled him up into a kiss he made a gurgling sound when potter moaned into his mouth and pressed their hips together fuk, if potter kept moving like that, the fun really would be over before it had even started!

    “is that a yes?” potter breathed against his lips

    drao let out a groan “i don’t are about anything else,” he whispered “as long as it’s you and me”

    potter pulled bak, astonishment written all over his fae fuk that hadn’t been what drao had wanted to say at least not in suh a seal way as always, it was ompletely potter’s fault how was drao’s brain supposed to work properly, given these irumstanes?

    his heart skipped a beat when potter’s fae slowly lit up and he bent down for another kiss, grinning like a hild on christmas m

    moving his hands down, drao gripped potter’s hips and pushed them up he awkwardly tried to push down his pants and was only suessful when potter helped merlin, now they were both naked without thinking twie about it, drao rolled them over, until potter was on his bak he swiftly sa
