《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读49

    “you don’t have to hide anything,” drao murmured he waited until potter slowly let his arms fall bak to his sides “and you thought this would sare me off?” drao said, suppressing the urge to raise an eyebrow

    potter frowned “this,” he put a hand on his stomah, “used to be ft”

    “so sine your stomah isn’t ft, i an’t be in love with you? really? you really think i’d like you more if you had abs?”

    “i thought—i thought you might not—not want to—”

    “oh potter, believe me, i do want to very muh”

    before potter ould say anything to that, drao got down on his knees in front of him

    “bsp;i?” he asked, his hand h over potter’s stomah for a moment, he thought potter was going to say no anguish was written all over his fae he still seemed unsure when he gave drao a slight nod

    careful not to make any hasty movements, drao lowered his hand until it made ontat with potter’s skin it felt so different from his own, a little rougher, and his hand looked even paler in ontrast to potter’s dark skin tone

    he traed the shape of potter’s belly with his fingers, feeling him stiffen when he reahed the part where his stomah stuk out the most over his waistband

    “stop please stop,” potter roaked

    “potter, there’s nothing to be ashamed of”

    hoping he wasn’t overstepping any boundaries, he ped several kisses on his belly before he ed his arms around potter’s midriff and led his heek against his skin potter stood perfetly still; drao wasn’t even sure if he was still breathing

    “you—you’re really okay with this?” he murmured

    drao lifted his head, taking in potter’s dumbstruk expresn he hoisted himself up while another smile rept onto his lips

    “you’re suh an it” he took potter’s fae into his hands and waited until his eyes were foused on his “this,” he softly brushed his fingers aross potter’s fae, “isn’t why i’m in love with you it’s a nie bonus, though a very nie one” he ted his index finger against potter’s temple “this is why i’m in love with you” he let his hand wander down potter’s nek before he pressed his palm against his hest “and this” if drao hadn’t been so nervous himself, he would have relished the fat potter was speehless yet again “and all this,” he trailed his fingers down to potter’s hips, whih he grabbed with both hands to pull him flush against him, “is what makes me want you very, very muh” potter made a hoking sound when drao gave his bum a hearty squeeze

    it felt strange, now that all ards were on the table it was equally reassuring as it was terrifying

    “how ome you’re suddenly so good with words?” potter said, and drao notied his fae was a bit more rexed

    “i’ve always been good with words”

    “but, usually, you’re not that outspoken and st time, you weren’t as…bold”

    drao’s hands on potter’s bum twithed yeah, that had kind of been a spur of the moment thing

    “i, err…” even though they had both been shirtless for a while now, it was only then drao realised they were both shirtless

    potter gave him a hesitant smile “maybe we an be nervous together?” he ed his arms around drao’s nek and started stroking his shoulder bde with his thumb drao shivered iently

    “we all ome with baggage, i guess,” he murmured as he was gazing into potter’s eyes, he remembered what luna had said right before he had taken off “we’ll have to be patient with eah other”

    “i an do that,” potter whispered, leaning in he aptured drao’s bottom lip and let his tongue brush against it this, drao mused, was definitely something he’d never grow tired of he wondered if his heart would ever ease to jump frantially when potter kissed him probably not and definitely not right now on the ontrary, his heart rate inreased dramatially when he parted his lips and felt potter’s tongue push against his sweet merlin!

    the kiss turned from tender to heated within seonds drao bit bak a moan when potter’s hips started grinding against his his ok was already half hard and if potter kept moving like that, drao was sure he’d be oming in his pants in just a few minutes

    he losed his eyes and let his head fall bak when potter moved his head lower to kiss his nek he let one hand wander down drao’s spine until he reahed his arse drao’s heart gave a lent jerk and they both jumped when something rashed loudly behind them

    “hey, i liked that mp,” potter said

    drao rolled his eyes, even though he wanted to url up and die a hand on his arse and he was blowing up mps? what the fuk would hen if they were both naked?

    as if potter had just read his mind, he asked, “if i take off your trousers, will you destroy my whole bedroom?”

    “um…” drao wasn’t sure how to answer that for one, he had no idea what would hen and, more importantly, the thought of potter taking off his trousers had his mind spinning like mad “i guess you’ll have to try and see,” he roaked

    without breaking eye ontat, potter moved his hands down to his waistband it took him no time to unbutton his trousers drao gulped when potter paused

    “yours too,” drao whispered something that looked a lot like ay fshed aross potter’s fae “hey, we’re nervous together, remember?” drao said quietly, upping potter’s heek “i’m a fuking virgin for rying out loud”

    the orner of potter’s mouth twithed and he swiftly pulled down his trousers, along with his soks drao did the same, grinning as he aught sight of potter’s pants

    “ns? really? how very gryffindor of you”

    “i’ll show you what else is very gryffindor,” potter growled teasingly and lunged at drao they both nded on the bed, potter on top of him he tred drao’s hips with his legs, pinning his hands over his head

    “you’re so beautiful,” potter said

    drao s
