《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读51

    “i’ve had dreams about this,” drao blurted before he ould stop himself “merlin, please, potter, let me do it”

    “you had dreams about rimming me?”

    ah, so that was what it was alled

    “i had dreams about you doing it to me and it felt bloody amazing that’s how i want to make you feel”

    drao bit his lip while potter just kept gawking at him in fat, he looked like a dementor had just suked out his soul great, he thought, i broke harry potter

    “um…if you don’t like that—”

    “are you fuking kidding me?” potter burst out “of ourse i—” he made an i sound that made drao’s heart skip a beat “but, um, drao, that’s—are you sure?”




    “look, you don’t have to try to impress me, i—”

    “that’s not what i’m doing,” drao said, suddenly feeling like a stubborn hild “i just —i’m not sure…how…”

    “how it works?”

    in spite of his embarrassment, drao nodded

    “well, i’d be hy to be your guinea pig”

    “my what?”

    potter ughed, shaking his head “you an do whatever you want to me”

    something s oursed through drao as these words ehoed in his mind you an do whatever you want to me sweet mother of merlin!

    “okay, um…” drao hated that he was so nervous he hated that potter was more experiened than him but the longer he held potter’s gaze, the more rexed he felt “so…in my dream, you were behind me and, err…i was…bent over”

    potter made a gurgling sound in the bak of his throat it ened drao to keep going

    “i want to see your fae, though bsp;we do it while you’re on your bak?”

    without answering, potter grabbed one of the bigger pillows and shoved it under the small of his bak

    “ah,” drao said well, there was his answer “but…is that omfortable for you?”

    “do i look unomfortable?” potter retorted with a lopsided smile

    “you look…” drao let out a shuddering breath and slowly leaned forward, ping a hand on his thigh potter’s legs were still spread, his ok and his arse on full dispy holy, it was the hottest thing drao had ever id eyes on he felt potter tremble when he started stroking his thigh and his stomah immediately flipped he was making potter tremble fuk yes, he wanted him to tremble; he wanted him to pant and moan and writhe beh him

    l his head, he started peppering potter’s inner thigh with kisses, gently brushing his fingers against the inside of his knee he notied with great satisfan that potter’s breathing was beoming more shallow the nearer he moved to his ok when he reahed his groin, he deided to be a bit more experimental

    “merlin,” potter eximed as drao pressed the ft of his tongue against it and liked his way upwards his heek brushed against potter’s ok and the little bk hairs led around it he tried to think of all the things potter had teased him with, a smirk f on his fae he pursed his lips and gently blew on the tip of potter’s ok “ah!” potter’s hips jerked, and drao took the opportunity of potter being distrated to settle himself properly between his legs he felt his pulse hammering against his olrbone as he stared at potter’s arse what if he did something wrong? what if potter didn’t like it? he desperately tried to think what he would enjoy if the roles were reversed tentatively, he leaned forward and started mouthing at potter’s balls “oh, **!”

    okay, arently that hadn’t been too bad he gently suked on one of them, until potter was squirming so muh, drao slung his arm around his thigh to keep him in pe

    “are you sure you haven’t done this before?” potter panted drao grinned in satisfan still, he ouldn’t shake the nervousness rashing down on him as he kissed potter’s heeks, slowly but surely moving towards his left “wait,” potter suddenly breathed drao stiffened he lifted his head and searhed potter’s fae; he was flushed and murmuring something under his breath “sing and proten harms,” he said after a moment oh, thank merlin! so drao hadn’t done anything wrong yet

    he awkwardly resumed kissing potter’s heeks and hesitantly brought a finger to his left slowly, he dragged his fiip along the length and shivered when potter let out a deep moan he wanted to hear it again gripped by determinan, he slowly leaned forward and reped his finger with his tongue

    “fuk,” potter almost yelled drao did it again, pressing the ft of his tongue against potter’s rim but what now? drao thought hard, until he deided to move his tongue like he did when he was eating ie ream that ouldn’t be too wrong, right? “oh fuk, drao!”

    drao’s ok twithed at hearing his name in suh a breathy way it made him bolder, prompted him to twist his tongue this way and that before he losed his mouth around the pukered skin and started to suk

    “ah! drao,” potter eximed

    drao marveled at the sensan of potter’s rim fluttering beh his tongue he used the tip to draw irles around it, eliiting all kinds of filthy and delus sounds from potter, whih, in return, had his ok throbbing and leaking

    “merlin, drao, please,” potter groaned, “use your tongue or you fingers, i don’t are, but please—”


    “you—” drao pulled bak, suddenly realising how lightheaded he was sazar, he should have ome up for air sooner “you—you want me to push my tongue inside you?”

    “or your fingers, i don’t are, i just need—ah!”

    drao dove bak in, his ok responding to every flutter of potter’s rim this was more rewarding than he had thought he resumed drawing irles with his tongue, until potter let out suh a desperate moan, drao thought he was going to implode but, fuk, he had no idea what he was doing heart pounding in his hest, he tentatively tried to push the tip of his tongue against potter’s entra
