《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读48

    holy? drao had no fuking lue the only thing he knew was, his heart had never felt this full; never had he been almost moved to tears by the simpliity of spoken words

    potter’s fingers were still twisted in his hair, his thumb stroking his forehead fearing he’d be too hoked up if he waited any longer, drao leaned forward and aptured potter’s lips with his

    it was strange, how different kissing potter felt in that moment; as though all these different kinds of emons rushing through him had suddenly found a way out of his body they were almost tangible on his skin and on his lips, he ould almost taste the sweetness of potter’s words it was overwhelming almost too overwhelming

    he slowly pulled bak, drinking in potter’s soft expresn and the warmth in his eyes

    “kind of paradoxial, isn’t it,” drao said, knowing he was about to ruin the moment, “that you an tell me something like that and yet not believe me when i tell you the same”

    “do you?” potter immediately asked “feel the same?”

    and there it was the quesn of all quesns the moment drao had been trying to avoid for merlin knows how long the reven he finally felt ready for kind of not really he was a queasy mess to be ho but, he supposed, sine they were already being disgustingly seal and all…

    “do you remember the third task of the triwizard tour in fourth year?” he asked, wathing as potter’s fae turned from anus to onfused


    “when i saw you walk into that maze, i had a strange feeling i ouldn’t put my finger on it at the time, it was just…my gut telling me something, i guess,” drao murmured “and then you ame bak…with diggory’s body” he heard potter inhale sharply “it made me think…you ould have died that day” he paused, trying to gather up the e to say thewords without sounding like he was being hased by a dementor “that…was the first time i realised i had feelings for you”

    potter’s mouth fell open and he looked like he was going to say something, whih drao hose to ignore

    “and then you started dating g,” he soffed “i wanted to snap your nek when i found out you were dating her it was—” he bit his lip could he really do this? he was already feeling overwhelmed he searhed potter’s fae for any indian he should stop talking his dark skin looked ashen and he was obusly shoked if anything, it ened drao to keep going “and when—when you started dating weasley—” he gulped he had never intended to tell potter any of this maybe it was pointless but maybe, it was exatly what potter needed to hear “when you started dating weasley, i hated you so muh i ouldn’t orate on—on what i was supposed to do but it also made me rekless, beause—beause i knew i’d never get what i wanted it didn’t matter anyway the dark lord was about to kill me, so what was the point in hoping?” he let out a humourless ugh and shook his head “and then, you defeated him” he looked potter straight in the eye without blinking “you defeated him, giving everyone a seond hane for hiness exept me” he knew he wasn’t being fair, but this was how he had felt bak then “i tried to avoid you as muh as possible, but you’re so bloody stubborn and kept trying to talk to me i just ouldn’t handle it”

    potter looked as though drao had just punhed him he opened his mouth, but before he ould speak, drao raised his hand

    “i swear to merlin, potter, if you interrupt me now—” he took another deep breath “i don’t think i an say what i—” he quikly looked sideways, every musle in his body tense for one, potter seemed to be doing as he was told, staying silent drumming his fingers against his thigh, drao braed himself for the most diffiult part yet “i didn’t think it was possible, that you ould like me like that ever astoria and i, we’ve been friends for years and even though we aren’t involved romantially, we deided getting married was the best opn we had her family was pressuring her to find a husband and settle down, and even though my mother did no suh thing, it was very muh implied she was waiting for an heir everything was going as it was supposed to…until you stumbled into my life again” he rubbed his fiips against his forehead as if that would help him think “it was different than it had been in shool everything was suddenly…intensified i never told astoria how i felt about you, but, funnily enough, she already knew when i told her i wanted to all off the e i guess it was more obus than i thought”

    the following silene was pregnant with meaning did potter already know where he was going with this? was he still trying to figure it out?

    “um, an i say something?” potter asked quietly without looking at him, drao nodded “why didn’t you tell me any of this before?”

    drao arhed an inredulous eyebrow “for very obus reasons, potter like i said, i never thought you would like me like that, so what was the point?” it was almost physially painful to say these words out loud his pride was begging him to stop but if his pride was the prie he had to pay to get potter to finally see what a dikhead he was being, then so it shall be “i finally realised how my hoie would affet all the lives of the people involved, how unfair it would be i would rob astoria of the hane to find true hiness, with someone who truly wanted to be with her there was a time when i thought we might ome to love eah other, but…that would have never hened beause—” he balled his hands into fists, trying to stop them from shaking damn it! it felt like he was holding his heart in his hands,it to potter, hoping he wouldn’t rush it

    “beause?” potter ehoed

    drao losed his eyes, his heart hammering so lently in his hest, he thought it was going to burst “beause—beause i’m alrea
