《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读44

    “it’s absolutely unneessary”

    “you don’t know that”

    “i do, atually”

    drao paused, taking in luna’s seus expresn “he told you”

    “he did”


    “he didn’t tell me everything,” she rified “but he did tell me what you thought this was about”

    “i know what this is about”

    “you really believe that? you really believe harry would do something like that?”

    drao didn’t answer and quietly took a sip of his tea

    “he really likes you, drao,” luna said softly

    drao flinhed “he hurt me,” he murmured

    “beause you like him, too only the people we are about an hurt us like this”

    drao hated that luna was so insightful it made hiding his feelings so muh harder

    exhaling loudly, he leaned bak in his hair and buried his hands in his hair “i have no idea what to think anymore there were times i thought he really might like me we talked about so many things, he trusted me with so many serets,” he let out a pained ugh at the memories “i should have known it was all too good to be true holy, the night he made dinner i should have—”

    “wait, he made dinner for you?” luna asked, her eyes wide

    “yeah holy, in hindsight, it almost seems like it was meant to be a date, but—”

    “no, no, that’s not what i mean,” luna interrupted him “atually, i’m very ertain it was meant to be a date, but my point is…he made you dinner and you atually…you saw him eat?”

    drao frowned at her she sounded like it was a big deal “of ourse i—” he paused wait he had notied something strange about that, hadn’t he? when potter had brought him breakfast, when they had been at the restaurant and at potter’s ft…he had barely eaten anything he had looked tortured and unomfortable “luna,” he said, his tone suddenly urgent “is there something wrong with him?”

    luna looked like she was biting the inside of her heek “i think you should talk to harry about that”

    “luna, please,” drao beseehed her “if there’s something i should know—” he mped his mouth shut, unable to finish the sentene he didn’t have any right to meddle in potter’s life anymore

    “you really are about him, don’t you?” luna said, tilting her head

    drao said nothing, while his gaze was fixed on the floor they both stayed silent for a while, until luna got up and started rummaging through a pile of magazines on her desk

    “did harry ever tell you about his hildhood?” she asked

    “how his bloody muggle retives starved him?” drao grumbled “he did”

    luna nodded “it’s more than that, though”

    drao’s eyes widened what else did they do to him?

    “did he tell you they made him sleep in a upboard?”


    “yeah they treated him in suh an awful way it still makes me sad”

    “those bastards! thank merlin he got away from them,” drao muttered, rage stillthrough him

    “that’s the point, though, isn’t it? he didn’t really get away from them”

    “what do you mean?”

    “it’s part of him, what they did all those years ago it shaped the person he’s beome and he’s obusly still haunted by it, even if he may not realise it he thinks he doesn’t deserve anything, he always puts others first beause he thinks that’s how it should be…he has no sense of self-worth”

    luna seemed to have found what she was looking for she sat down beside drao, several magazines in her hand “i don’t like how he unonusly punishes himself over and over for something that isn’t even his fault,” she said quietly “and things like these aren’t helping”

    she handed drao the magazines with an unharateristially seus expresn the only magazine he reognised was with weekly the issue was about a year old drao almost hoked as he looked at the over, at the headline in bold red letters

    plump potter! the boy who lived…to let himself go!

    drao’s mouth dropped open his eyes quikly sanned the other two

    inside the chosen one’s uhy lifestyle!

    harry potter—from heartthrob to sad slob!

