《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读45

    beh the headline was a piture of potter in a afé, eating treale tart all of the magazines had pitures of potter that seemed to ath him in a rather unfttering light

    “they seusly printed this?” drao asked why hadn’t he seen these before?

    “the artiles inside are even worse,” luna said “i kept them, in ase we needed them to prove the invan of harry’s privay lukily, herne got them all to stop selling them after a few days, although none of us have any idea how she did it but i guess it was too te those artiles really got to him harry didn’t admit it, of ourse, but that’s when he stopped eating when anybody was around”

    drao’s heart gave a painful squeeze “those bastards,” he growled “i an’t believe this!”

    “it’s awful,” luna agreed “ron tried to talk to him about it one, but he immediately losed up we tried to ease him bak into it, we thought it would be okay for him if only lose friends were around, but he found ways around it he’d show up te into the evening, to make sure dinner was already over, things like that”

    drao’s mind raed as he tried to proess everything luna had just told him never in a miln years would he have expeted that potter was hiding suh an awful seret he startled when he felt luna’s hand on his wrist he hadn’t realised his hands were shaking

    “that’s why i was so surprised he made dinner for you,” she said with a ghost of a smile

    “yeah, well, we didn’t really get to eat it”

    “still, drao” luna squeezed his wrist reassuringly “he’s obusly trying you must be very important to him”

    drao’s stomah rumbled unomfortably at that was it really true? had potter been trying? this whole time? but the way he had ated on the day of g’s wedding…why had he…

    “oh…oh no” realisan hit drao hard, like a bludger to the head “i’m suh an it,” he murmured to himself

    but how should drao have known? with all this new-found rman, it was suddenly painfully obus why potter had asked to turn off the lights, why he had wanted to keep his shirt on

    “luna, i’m sorry, but i have to go!” he jumped off the sofa and stumbled towards the firepe

    “are you going to see harry?”

    drao nodded he wathed as luna roahed him, a warm smile on her fae she pulled him into a tight hug and patted his bak

    “be patient with him, drao,” she whispered

    drao ed his arms around her, letting her warmth seep into him

    “thank you, luna thank you for your help”

    she pulled away, her silvery-blue eyes glistening

    “of ourse, drao that’s what friends are for”

    chapter 9: you’ve ruined my lfe

    “potter! potter!!”

    drao knew he was too franti as he rossed potter’s living room, but he ouldn’t help it he didn’t want another minute to go by with potter being self-destrutive


    where the bloody hell was he? was he not at home? drao barged into the kithen, only to find it empty he stomped bak into the hallway, frowning at the bathroom door it was ajar, but the room was dark that only left…his bedroom

    without hesitan, drao began banging against the door


    letting his impatiene get the better of him, he threw it open and marhed inside


    “potter” drao gave his disheveled hair and droopy eyes a disroving look “what are you doing in bed? it’s the middle of the day”

    potter seemed doubtful if he was really awake he shook his head several times, until he seemed onvined drao was really standing in his bedroom “mind your own business,” he said, defensively “what the hell are you even doing here?”

    “if you didn’t want me here, you would have put the wards bak up”

    “you made it pretty lear—ugh, you know what, no” drao’s heart sank at the tortured expresn on his fae “if you ame here for another fight, so you an ause me—”

    “i’m sorry,” drao blurted even though he had used those two words more in the st four years than ever before in his life, they still felt fn on his tongue he wathed arefully as potter’s fae went bnk

    “you—what?” he straightened himself, one hand slowly losing into a fist on the duvet “what exatly are you sorry for?”

    “i—” drao had no idea where to begin it was more than obus potter had trouble talking about it he had told drao so muh about himself, about his thoughts and fears, but he had never menned what luna had told him “i had no idea what you were going through,” he said quietly

    the effet these words had on potter was instantaneous rehenn louded his features as his musles visibly lenhed “what are you talking about?” he asked, his tone wary

    “don’t get mad,” drao said, raising his hands “she didn’t want to tell me at first she said you’re the one i should be talking—”

    “she, who?”

