《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读43


    before drao ould reat, pansy snathed the letter from him and ran to the other side of the room, tearing it open


    “drao,” she began reading, “i’m very sorry about what hened between us it’s not what you think” she paused, taking a sip of hampagne “what did hen between you two?”

    drao just shook his head, hoping potter hadn’t gone into too muh detail in his letter

    “you’re no fun,” pansy muttered before she ontinued reading “i hope you’ll let me expin until then, hy birthday” she rolled her eyes “that is the most b letter i’ve ever seen oh, wait, what’s this? oh my!”

    “what? what?” drao jumped up and hurried over to her

    “that’s rather generous, even for someone as loaded as him,” pansy said, even though she didn’t sound very impressed

    when drao saw what pansy was holding, his mouth went dry it was a heque for the shool

    “oh really?” drao growled through gritted teeth “that bastard!”

    “merlin, drao, what did potter do to you?”

    without answering, drao grabbed the heque and the letter and stomped over to the firepe with far too muh floo powder in hand, he yelled, “harry potter’s ft!”

    if drao hadn’t known any better, he would have said potter had been waiting for him he jumped off the sofa before drao even stepped into his living room his expresn was hopeful, yet hesitant


    “you think you an buy me?” drao shouted “you think you an just shove your money at me and all will be fiven and fotten? i’m not some dirty whore!”

    “drao, that’s not what i—”

    “shut up, potter, i don’t want to hear it! this is it! find somebody else to srew around with!”

    “for fuk’s sake, drao, will you just listen to me? what hened that night has nothing to do with you or your bloody dark mark”

    “you ouldn’t get out of the manor fast enough!”

    “you went ompletely ballisti on me! you wouldn’t have listened to a word i said! you’re not listening now!”

    “beause it’s all bolloks!”

    “drao, i’m telling you, this has nothing—”

    “what, then?”

    potter hesitated, fumbling with the hem of his jumper “it’s not that easy for me to say,” he mumbled

    “beause it’s not real”


    “you’re just trying to make something up, so i’ll sleep with you”

    potter’s eyes widened, his fae twisting in horror “you really think i’d be apable of that?”

    “i don’t know what to think anymore,” drao yelled “i an’t trust you!”

    “you know what, if you really think i’m that kind of person, i an’t trust you either”

    “great, it’s finally settled then,” drao hissed “oh, and by the way, i’m keeping your heque, for the hildren but you and i, we’re done!” he aught one st glimpse of potter before he stepped into the firepe again and immediately wished he hadn’t it made his heart squeeze painfully to see so muh hurt in his eyes, but there was no other way potter had hurt him too muh there was no exuse in the world that would ever make up for it

    wednesday, 23 july 2003

    the lovegood’s home was suh a peuliar pe drao was surprised when he found out luna still lived with her father on the other hand, it made sense, sine they were running the quibbler together now

    when luna had invited him over for tea, he hadn’t thought muh of it but now, after only five minutes of sitting down with her in her room, it was pretty lear she had an agenda

    “i’m not talking to potter,” he said, traing the rim of his up with his thumb “there’s nothing you an say that will—”

    “drao,” luna said with a sigh “he’s suffering”

    “so? i’m suffering, too”

    “and have you ever thought about why that is?”


