《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读42

    “could we—err…”

    drao studied him losely he seemed inredibly nervous all of a sudden what was going on?

    “bsp;we, um, turn off the lights?” potter asked

    “you want to do it in the dark?” drao oked his head to the side, his mind raing why would potter want to turn off the lights? oh, merlin! he was trying to be hivalrous again, wasn’t he? “potter, i may be a virgin, but i’m not some damsel in distress i an handle this”

    “it’s not about—” potter bit his lip “err, okay…then, maybe, err, we ould keep our lothes on?”

    “that…would ompliate things,” drao said, trying to push down the disoi that was quikly bubbling up inside him “i thought you wanted to fuk me i mean…you’re still holding my ok”

    “i do,” potter mumbled to drao’s horror, he slowly let go of his ok “but…um… okay, maybe…we ould at least keep our shirts on?”

    drao wasn’t sure, but he thought he saw potter’s eyes fliker down to drao’s hands or was it…his arms?


    “you don’t want to see it,” he whispered, uanding hitting him like a sp aross the fae “you don’t want to see the dark mark”

    potter frowned, seemingly taken abak seusly? was he really trying to feign ignorane now?

    drao stared at him while his insides started to tighten painfully it felt like he was free-falling into a bk hole, whih was suking all traes of hiness out of him, leaving him empty and old

    “you don’t want me,” he breathed, flinhing at the sharp stab he felt to his hest

    “what?” potter looked inredulous but drao wouldn’t be fooled by him anymore

    “you think i’m disgusting!” he pushed potter away and hastily zipped up his trousers “you just wanted a quik one-off of ourse! i’m not good enough for anything else!”

    it hurt so muh, voiing one of his biggest fears how ironi suddenly, potter had turned into his personal boggart how ould drao have been so stupid? of ourse potter didn’t really want him

    “drao, that’s not—this has nothing to do with your dark mark”

    “what other reason is there? tell me this isn’t beause of who i am!”

    “it’s not—”

    “no, that’s exatly it! you an’t go around, fuking random people beause you’re harry potter so you lured me in with your i at are you really that desperate? you really need to get off that badly, you’d do it with someone who disgusts you?”

    “you don’t disgust me,” potter said, his voie breaking

    “you didn’t even want to look at me! you turned me around so you wouldn’t have to see my fae! that’s how disgusted you are by me! who were you going to piture while you fuked me, huh? wood? weasley?”

    “fuk you, drao!” potter bellowed

    “you know what, you’re the disgusting one, potter! you disgust me!”

    holy, drao didn’t know what he had expeted after that, but wathing potter grab his suit jaket and storm out of his room hurt almost as muh as being red by the dark lord

    unable to hold himself up any longer, he sank to his knees he was so stupid of ourse potter didn’t want him nobody wanted him still, he had thought potter was different he had thought potter might…might…

    “stupid,” he hissed at himself “so, so stupid!”

    that would teah him he should have known better than to let someone in, let himself be fooled like that holy, potter was no better than the rest of the bloody wizarding world if anything, he was worse he was a fuking hyporite

    maybe drao should have stuk to his dreams yes, they ouldn’t keep up with reality, but reality had the ruel tendeny to hoke off any kind of hope, even for someone who usually didn’t dare to hope at all

    thursday, 5 june 2003

    “are you going to open it or are you going to stare at it until your eyeballs fall out of your head?”

    “shut up, pansy”

    “the only reason i’m not going to argue with you is beause it’s your birthday otherwise i’d be telling you what a prik you are”

    “i know it’s from him i’m not going to open it”

    “then send it bak”

    “it’s not that easy”

    “of ourse it is” pansy leaned forward, brandishing the hampagne flute in her hand “ooooh, you want to know what’s inside, don’t you?”

    “it’s just a letter,” drao sned

    “you want me to read it?” pansy smirked

