《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读41

    it was mere seonds before they had solid ground under their feet again and drao felt something hard against his bak a wall? oh, no, it was a door before he got the hane to snap at potter for not giving him any warning, he was pinned against said door, his eyes fluttering shut

    “oh, merlin,” he gasped, as potter suked his earlobe into his mouth that man had some seus skills with his tongue

    “fuk, you smell bloody fantasti,” potter growled, pressing his body even more firmly against drao’s the door handle was digging unomfortably into his side, but drao ouldn’t be bothered with that he let his head fall bak against the door as potter kissed his nek, eliiting all kinds of obsene sounds from him

    “where are we exatly?” potter murmured against drao’s skin

    drao raked open one eye, internally smirking when he realised where potter had arated them to the prat had never even been to this part of the manor, but of ourse he had almost perfet aim

    “outside my bedroom,” drao whispered

    potter pulled bak, an odd expresn on his fae

    “what?” drao asked, taken abak potter seemed to onsider something, but didn’t answer before l his head to kiss drao’s nek again “oh!”

    “you let me arate inside the manor?” potter muttered

    “yes?” drao said, distrated by potter liking his olrbone

    potter hummed in response and pushed drao’s shirt out of the way to suk on the spot where his nek oed with his shoulder

    “fuk, potter!”

    drao felt him smile against his skin, sending a tingle down his spine

    “i like the sound of that,” potter said, his voie low

    drao inhaled sharply and instantly grabbed potter’s fae with both of his hands, pulling it bak to eye level he stroked his beard with his thumb, remembering how unnerved he had been when he had first seen it, how muh he had wanted to touh it…it was overwhelming, finally being able to, being allowed to touh it…

    slowly, he pulled potter to him, his heart giving a lent jolt when their lips brushed against eah other potter made a noise that went straight to drao’s groin his hands flew up to tangle in drao’s hair and his leg was suddenly wedged between drao’s thighs, rubbing delusly against his ok

    “merlin, i want you so bad,” potter mumbled between kisses drao ould only groan in agreement

    i on not breaking the kiss, he lumsily fumbled for the door handle he almost fell bakwards when the door suddenly opened, pulling potter along with him they both blinked, the sudden brightness of the handelier in drao’s room piering their eyes

    drao swallowed hard when he notied the way potter was looking at him

    “merlin, you’re beautiful,” he breathed, brushing a few strands of hair out of drao’s fae

    tless people had alled him beautiful, handsome, attrative…it usually meant nothing to drao he knew he was good looking it wasn’t the ompliment he was raving and yet, the fat that potter had said it, with the way he’d said it, almost awestruk, made drao momentarily lose his bane

    “what do you want?” potter breathed, his finger softly stroking drao’s temple “tell me what you want”

    “i—i want…” fuk, what was he supposed to say? “i—i want you,” he said, feeling inredibly stupid he suspeted potter was asking him for something more speifi, but…this was hard he had never been with anyone before and while he tehnially knew more than enough about how this usually worked, he ouldn’t just tell potter what he wanted what if potter didn’t want what he wanted? what if potter would ugh at him? it was so muh easier in his dreams, when it wasn’t atually potter he was talking to but…he ould try…something simple? “i—i want…i want you…inside me”

    drao stood perfetly still as he waited for potter’s rean his lips parted, but if drao hadn’t known any better, he would have thought potter was suddenly paralysed

    “did—did i say something wrong?” drao murmured he hated feeling inseure but he had no idea what potter was thinking

    “um, no,” potter roaked “but, given the irumstanes, i, err, think it would be easier if you were the one to…err…”

    “ time,” drao said, immediately mentally spping himself these two words revealed muh more than he was ready to admit out loud

    “okay,” potter whispered and drao’s heart stopped okay funny, how suh a simple word ould make him feel like he was flying

    feeling muh bolder and ened, he put a hand on potter’s hest and leaned loser, until their noses were touhing

    “how do you like it?” he whispered, hoping potter didn’t hear the quiver in his voie he didn’t know what made him more nervous, the prospet of potter telling him what he wanted, or if he’d simply showed him the antiipan was killing him

    potter pyfully nudged drao’s nose with his own and then, to drao’s surprise, he slowly traed drao’s bottom lip with his tongue

    “like this,” he said, huskily, grabbing drao’s hips and kissing him in a way drao had never been kissed before it was as though potter had just pulled him down uer, leaving drao gasping for air he never wanted it to stop before he even knew what was hening, potter yanked off his suit jaket and pulled his shirt out of his trousers drao almost yelped when he felt potter’s fingers against his bare stomah obusly, potter didn’t want to waste any more time he whirled drao around and started suking on the bak of his nek, his eren pressing against drao’s arse fuk, this was just like in his st dream

    “you—you want to take me like this?” drao roaked, unthinkingly

    “merlin, yes,” potter breathed, his hands darting down to unbutton drao’s trousers it only took a few seonds until his hand was shoved inside drao’s pants and his hand was ed around drao’s ok

