《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读40

    “that’s a seret i’ll be taking to my grave, i’m afraid,” he said

    annoyane flikered over the wizard’s fae, whih he quikly tried to mask with a smile

    “of ourse” finally, he let go of potter’s hand but kept srutinising him “i was very sorry to hear about your renship with young mrs weasley are you here on your own?”

    before drao knew what was hening, he felt a hand on his hip whih pulled him against potter’s side

    “i’m not, atually,” potter said, his lips strething into a deus smile the heat of the sun suddenly seemed to burn drao alive it was the same gesture potter had used to make drao jealous only, now, he was the one potter was iming

    they hadn’t disussed the details of today’s…arra yes, drao was here as potter’s date, but they hadn’t talked about whether or not they would be open about it while drao knew his mother had strong suspns about his preferene, it had been very muh implied on numerous oans he was never to make it publi knowledge well, so muh for that

    it was more than surprising that potter was ating like this, atually after everything he had told him, drao had been sure he wanted to keep a low profile, espeially when it ame to his private life all it would take was some shady reporter behind a bush, taking some pitures, and the whole wizarding world would go bonkers speaking of whih…

    the old wizard was still gawking at them, shok written all over his fae

    “but—but that’s drao malfoy,” he spluttered drao’s stomah lurhed unomfortably even though he wanted to hex the wizard, his eyes iently wandered over to potter’s fae when he felt him pulling him loser

    “i’m a luky guy, aren’t i?” potter said, his eyes piering drao’s the world around them suddenly seemed to ome to a halt drao knew potter had just said that to provoke the old wizard, but the way he was looking at him…it almost made drao believe potter atually meant it he had no idea how long they were standing there like this, staring at eah other, until somebody bumped into drao, yanking him bak to reality potter seemed a bit startled, too, and removed his hand from drao’s hip

    “he’s gone,” he muttered, gning over his shoulder

    “i thought you had a problem with disointing people,” drao said quietly, feeling more onfused than ever

    “he was being a dik,” potter said with a frown

    “was grabbing me really neessary, though?” drao grumbled, suddenly feeling embarrassed

    “he didn’t even aknowledge you!” potter said, heatedly “it’s obus you’re my date, but he was ignorant on purpose he talked about you as if you weren’t standing rightto me”

    drao blinked was this what it felt like to be on the reeiving end of potter’s hivalry? even though drao wanted to point out he was more than apable of fighting his own battles, he had to admit, it didn’t feel too bad to have potter defend him like that not bad at all

    “you’ve got to stop doing that,” potter murmured his voie sounded raspier than before

    “what?” drao knitted his brows together in onfun what was he doing?

    “biting your lip like that”

    drao ouldn’t suppress the shiver that seized him at hearing the longing in potter’s voie this time, he was absolutely sure he wasn’t imagining things potter wanted him merlin, if only he knew how muh drao wanted him!

    “you want to get out of here?” potter whispered

    “but the eremony hasn’t even started yet”

    potter stepped loser, until their bodies were almost touhing drao felt his breath on his fae and shivered in spite of himself it took everything in him to hold still when potter slowly trailed his fingers aross drao’s heek and then —drao gulped —down his nek

    “but…won’t g be mad if you—”

    “you really want to talk about bsp;right now?”

    he really, really didn’t

    “okay, let’s go,” drao roaked

    “yours or mine?”

    it was hard, trying to form oherent sentenes yours or mine? merlin, his knees were getting weak this was it, wasn’t it? he’d finally have potter to himself desire fred up inside him, mingling with an undeniable rush of nervousness potter was experiened, at least far more experiened than drao maybe it would at least help to be in the familiarity of his own home?

    “mine,” he finally said, swallowing around the lump in his throat potter nodded and drao felt his fingers on his arms braing himself for the unomfortable sun of arin, he squared his shoulders and balled his hands into fists he startled when warm fingers suddenly losed around his right fist instintively, his musles loosened potter lost no time iwining their fingers

    “before we go…”

    drao let himself be lead into the house, into the hallway, where potter stopped and pulled him lose

    “this is your hane to get out of this,” he murmured, his eyes searhing drao’s

    “what?” drao breathed he was too dizzy for a lever response

    “tell me if you want me to stop,” potter whispered, his gaze fliking down to drao’s mouth merlin, why would he want him to stop? “drao, do you want me to—”

    “don’t stop,” drao roaked, feeling like he was melting in potter’s arms how long had he wanted this? how often had he dreamed about this? how long had he yearned for potter, wanting him so badly it had driven him insane?

    every fiber of him seemed to be prikling, his heart jigging around in his hest in antiipan would reality be able to keep up with his dreams? would potter be really as good as drao had imagined? would he be gentle? rough? would he—sweet mother of everything that is holy!

    if potter hadn’t held him seurely in his arms, drao was sure he would have floated away the press of potter’s lips against his, the soft srape of his beard against drao’s skin, his intoxiating smell, the way his hands were d
