《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读39

    “at this point, i think i have every right to do so,” potter retorted

    “fuk you, potter! you at so high and mighty, but you told me you just wanted to be friends”

    “i never said i wanted to be just friends”

    “oh, so this is all my fault?”

    “you were leading me on!”

    “i’m not going to sit here and listen to this bolloks,” drao barked, jumping out of his seat so fast, the hair fell over “you don’t get to make me the bad guy anymore”

    as soon as he got outside, drao hesitated if he walked away now, would that be it? tehnially, he was single now; as was potter

    drao let out a humourless ugh maybe it just wasn’t meant to be

    just as he drew his wand and got ready to arate, somebody grabbed his shoulder and whirled him around

    “you’re seusly going to leave?” potter barked “i an’t believe you!”

    “why? beause the fight is only over when you’ve won?” drao huffed

    “why an’t we just talk about this like normal people?”

    “oh, so you think i’m some kind of abominan?”

    “no, i think you’re a oward!”

    snarling, drao narrowed his eyes how dare he!

    “you have no idea—”

    “oh yeah?” potter interrupted him “then prove it! go to cho’s wedding with me tomorrow or are you too muh of a wimp to—”

    “fine,” drao bellowed, fuming “but you have to pik me up at the manor”

    “fine,” potter yelled bak “i’ll be there at nine wear the muggle suit”


    “i swear to merlin, drao—”

    “whatever,” he spat he was so mad, he ouldn’t even look at potter “don’t be te”

    he took a step bakwards and arated to the manor he was still shaking with anger when he tossed his lothes on the floor and limbed into bed, ompletely ignorant to the fat that it was only seven o’lok

    who did potter think he was? that wanker! he would pay for alling drao a oward! drao would prove to him he was anything but! if it was the st thing he would do!

    he turned to his side, luthing his b and shoving one hand under the pillow bloody potter!

    as drao kept repeating that over and over for hours in his mind, the prikling sensan on the bak of his nek got more intense, aompanied by the fluttery feeling of his stomah doing somersaults

    bloody potter, he thought one st time as his eyes fluttered losed and the ti of smiles slowly rept its way onto his lips

    saturday, 24 may 2003

    why? why had drao agreed to ome here with potter?

    arently, it didn’t matter he had already seen potter wearing that bloody muggle suit when they had piked it out together; it knoked the breath out of him heless every time he gned over at him

    he hadn’t been able to say anything but gibberish sine potter had shown up, looking all handsome and spetaur, omplimenting drao on how good he looked, onsequently frying his brain his magi had gone bonkers again when potter had touhed his arm to arate them, to whih potter had only grinned knowingly drao’s mother would go ballisti when she found out he had destroyed one of her favourite vases but drao ouldn’t are less about that right now right now, he was far more onerned about not making a fool out of himself while he stood there awkwardly, eyeing potter out of the orner of his eyes he looked unomfortable as well, fidgeting with his tie little beads of sweat were f on his forehead, glistening in the sunlight it was an exepnally warm day, whih potter didn’t seem to like it probably didn’t help that the wedding was about to be held right here, in g’s garden, with no shade and a bunh of muggles, whih made it impossible to use magi

    “you, err, you want something to drink?” potter asked drao stared at his lips as he spoke, realising too te that he wasn’t exatly being subtle about it

    “oh, um, no”

    “right” potter liked his lips and absentmindedly srathed his beard fuk! was he trying to drive drao mad?

    “do you want to—”

    “merlin’s beard! it’s harry potter!”

    they both turned around to find an old man gaping at them well, at potter

    “mr potter, suh an honour to finally meet you howard chamberin” he grabbed potter’s hand with both of his and shook it enthusiastially potter smiled awkwardly “i hope i’m not overstepping, but i’ve been dying to know there have been many tales about your vitory over you-know-who” he leaned loser and drao notied he was still luthing potter’s hand “is it true you defeated him with the elder wand? do you still have it?”

    drao rolled his eyes, ready to tell the wizard off before he got the hane, however, potter patted the old man’s arm

