《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读38

    potter flinhed while drao’s pulse instantly quikened really? a strange feeling bubbled up inside him at the thought that potter might have been as miserable as him why though? could he really dare to hope?

    “same over here,” pansy said in an irritated tone before drao ould snap at her, she grabbed him and pushed him down in a hair

    “i’m not going to sit here and—”

    “yeah, me her,” potter said, getting ready to get up

    “shut up! both of you,” pansy bellowed

    several heads around the pub turned in surprise, but pansy seemed unimpressed man, she ould be sary if she wanted to

    “you!” she pointed her index finger at drao “you broke up with astoria, so you better make it worth it”

    “you—you broke up with your fianée?” potter looked like he had just been hit with a stunning spell

    “and you!” pansy turned to potter “from what lovegood told me, you didn’t even have to break up with that bloke you paraded in front of drao, beause he never really was your boyfriend”

    “what?” drao spluttered

    “you told her—why are you even talking to her?” potter eximed, turning to luna

    “arently,” pansy said, ign potter’s outburst, “he’s an auror they used to train together, and now potter owes him a favour”

    “you—you—” drao’s mind reeled “you weren’t dating henry?”

    “you aren’t engaged anymore?” potter retorted, gobsmaked

    “clearly,” bise said with a smug grin, “you two have a lot to talk about we’ll leave you to it”

    drao saw luna join pansy and bise as they all turned to leave, but his brain ouldn’t proess what was hening was it really true? had potter seusly asked this henry guy to pretend to be his boyfriend? why? why would he do that?

    “you little **,” drao growled

    “why didn’t you tell me?” potter growled bak “why didn’t you tell me about your break up?”

    “we weren’t speaking,” drao said urtly

    “right and whose fault is that?”

    “you—” drao tried to ollet himself he didn’t are for a sene right in the middle of a rowded pub “you pretended to date someone else,” he hissed

    “what was i supposed to do?”

    “what—seusly? why did you even do it?”

    potter sowled at the table

    “were you going to marry him, too?” drao soffed “out of spite? do you still have to beat me at every—”

    “i wanted to make you jealous, you stupid git!”

    drao froze everything he had wanted to say suddenly evaporated like smoke in his mind jealous? potter had wanted to make him jealous? well, misn aomplished but… why would—

    “it was suh a dumb idea,” potter muttered, his eyes still fixed on the table “i wasn’t even sure if it was going to work you weren’t—you never—but i thought you might—”

    might what?

    “you told me you were engaged and i sned, okay?”

    drao wasn’t sure if he was halluinating or not granted, on more than one oan he had gotten the impresn potter might think he wasn’t unattrative, but potter had been drunk almost every time drao wasn’t one to just jump to onluns could he now? was potter really saying…he liked drao?

    “why was me being engaged suh a big deal?” drao asked he needed to hear it he needed potter to say it

    “fuk you,” potter spat

    “you know,” drao said slowly, “you say that every time i ask you—”

    “beause you already know! what, you want to gloat?” potter seethed

    “i just want to know what the fuk is going on,” drao shot bak, smming his fist down on the table

    “what?” potter gaped at him “you’re kidding, right?”

    drao didn’t answer, holding potter’s gaze defiantly

    “you’ve got to be kidding me!” potter threw his hands in the air, shaking his head “even i’m not that oblius!”

    “are you alling me stupid?” drao said through gritted teeth

