《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读33

    “hey, drao,” luna beamed “you remember gee, right?” thank heavens for this girl!

    “hey…drao?” it almost sounded like a quesn, as though gee was trying to navigate the unfamiliarity of his first name

    “gee,” drao said with a small nod yeah, this was really weird

    “you guys are friends?” gee asked, his voie dripping with septiism

    “oh, yes,” luna smiled “drao an be really nie although i think he prefers to let people think he isn’t not like in the past, though he wasn’t nie when he was a death eater but i think he’s trying to make up for it”

    as always, drao’s mouth dropped open in astonishment “you really just say what omes to mind, don’t you?”

    luna oked her head “don’t you? oh, no wonder you’re sowling all the time if you keep all of your thoughts to yourself!”

    “i guess it hurts people sometimes, hearing other people’s unfiltered thoughts,” gee said it didn’t esape drao’s notie that he was giving him a speutive gne

    “but everything i just said is true,” luna said

    “is it?” gee asked in an unonvined tone drao bit his tongue, but before he ould stop himself, the words spilled out of his mouth

    “listen, i know it probably means nothing to you, but i am really sorry i’m sorry for the role i pyed in the war and…for what hened to your brother” drao stared at the floor, unable to look gee in the eyes

    “you already said that,” gee said, prompting drao’s eyes to involuntarily snap up to his “in your letter i haven’t fotten”

    “oh, you got one, too?” luna asked without sounding surprised instead, she sounded hy

    “yeah,” gee said slowly before he turned his attenn bak to drao “it was a good gesture, you know, that you wrote to eah of us individually, instead of sending one letter to the whole family i reiate you apologising in person, but i don’t put muh value to words”

    “oh, but drao is—”

    “luna,” drao interrupted her warningly

    gee’s eyes flikered quesningly between the two of them luna just shrugged

    “well, as muh as i prefer an to words, harry says you’re different now, too, so…” he raised his butterbeer to drao and took a swig “i guess i’ll keep an open mind”

    “right,” drao said with the ghost of a smile holy, he had expeted worse so muh worse also, potter was talking about him? he wasn’t sure how he felt about that it made his belly all fluttery and warm ugh

    “you want something to drink?” he asked, turning to luna

    “oh, yes, a butterbeer, please”

    drao nodded, making his way to the kithen he was pretty sure gee and luna started talking about him the seond he was gone, but he didn’t mind gee had every right to be septial holy, drao had no idea why luna liked him most days, drao didn’t like himself, so how ould anybody else?

    he let out a sigh in relief when he found the kithen was empty well, exept for more balloons how many were there? he helped himself to a gss of red wine whih, shokingly, tasted far better than he would have thought, given this was weasley’s party

    “hey, where’d you get that gss?”

    drao turned around, startled, and found a young man with sandy brown hair smiling at him

    “right here,” he said, handing him one

    “thanks,” he said, reahing for the firewhiskey “i’m henry by the way”


    “oh, you’re drao malfoy, aren’t you?” henry said, strething out his hand drao shook it warily when people reognised him by his name, they usually started talking about the past and even though this henry guy seemed friendly enough, drao was in no mood to talk about his days as a death eater with a stranger

    “that’s me,” he said in a lipped tone, sipping at his wine

    “harry told me so muh about—”

    “ah, you met henry”

    drao almost hoked his eyes widened as he took in the bright grin on potter’s fae as he entered the kithen it was suh a shoking sight; not only beause drao hadn’t expeted to see potter grinning at him after what had hened between them, but…beause…

    holy fuking mother of merlin!

    bloody potter had a bloody beard now and not just a little stubble from being too zy to shave for a few days, a full-on, raven-bk beard ** **! it made him look absolutely deletable and as if to mok drao, the prat had hosen to dress niely for a hange

    as drao eyed the olr of the blue dress shirt and the tie, he wondered if potter was indeed wearing this to irritate him surely, luna had told him she would be bringing drao that would also expin why he didn’t look surprised at all to find him in weasley’s kithen besides, he knew potter this wasn’t an outfit he’d normally hoose for himself the grey jumper he was wearing on top looked inredibly soft; was that ashmere? potter didn’t wear ashmere!

    drao was suddenly startled out of his thoughts when he notied potter had urled an arm around henry’s hip it was a very possessive gesture, one that said ‘he’s mine, bak off’ only, drao ouldn’t have ared less about henry

    “oh, how lovely,” he said with a fake smile while his insides started to boil potter was dating someone? he was dating someone? and he was parading him in front of drao like a show dog seusly? seusly?

    they all flinhed when several balloons around the room suddenly burst henry looked this way and that, while potter’s gaze flikered to drao for a fran of a seond damn it, he needed to ontrol his magi around potter and from the looks of it, the stupid prat knew exatly what was going on or he seemed to have his suspns at least

    “hey, harry, henry, ould you guys ome over here for a se?” granger alled from the living room

