《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读34

    “exuse us,” potter said with a hint of a smile he kept his arm around henry as they walked out of the kithen

    exuse us? yes, it was very lear they were an ‘us’; still, it hurt hearing that ome out of potter’s mouth

    “oh, hey, there you are, i was w—are you okay?”

    drao blinked at luna without really seeing her

    “why wouldn’t i be?” he said automatially

    “you look—” she pursed her lips, her gaze intensifying “is this beause of henry and harry?”

    drao’s vin blurred at the menn of their names henry and harry it sounded like a joke without a punhline

    “it is, isn’t it? i’m sorry, drao”

    “did you know harry was dating someone?”

    “no, i had no idea holy, i thought you and—”

    “don’t,” drao interrupted her “don’t say it”

    “drao” without warning, she ed her arms around his midriff and put her head on his hest “i’m so sorry” her urls tikled his hin as she spoke as muh as he tried to ontrol his body, he ouldn’t keep it from trembling luna seemed to notie and pressed herself more firmly against him it felt strange and unfamiliar, being hugged like this but drao ouldn’t deny the soothing effet it had on him he had no idea what luna saw in him, what made her trust him enough to all him her friend and omfort him yes, they had grown loser while w together at the shool, but still…drao ouldn’this head around the idea of luna onsidering him a friend

    as the seonds tiked by, the inexpliable urge to just let himself feel all the awful emons he had been bottling up for weeks was growing stronger unable to fight it any longer, he put his arms around luna in return and buried his fae in her hair it smelled nie like pineles

    “oh, err, sorry”

    drao looked up, feeling a rush of adrenaline shoot through him as he stared into onfused green eyes

    “i didn’t know you guys were—”

    drao felt luna shift in his arms, before she slowly let go of him

    “you know, harry, i think you should talk to drao you’re upsetting him”

    “i’m upsetting him?” potter blurted, but luna didn’t bat an eyesh as she walked past him “what the fuk?”

    “just fet it, potter,” drao drawled, i on following luna

    potter stopped him with a hand on his hest

    “don’t touh me,” drao growled and spped his hand away

    “fuk you, drao,” potter glowered “fuk you!”

    “how eloquent,” drao said, rolling his eyes

    “no, you don’t get to be ondesending, you lying bastard!”

    “exuse me?”

    “you lied to me! you didn’t tell me you were engaged! but, arently, that doesn’t really matter, sine you seem to be getting it on with—”


    “does your fianée know you’re walking around, flirting with people left and right?”

    drao felt the sudden urge to punh him “you have no idea what you’re talking about, potter”

    “no?” he said, his tone hallenging

    “i don’t owe you any sort of expnan,” drao snarled, leaning loser to him “besides, i’m not the one with the new p dog”

    “that’s fuking rih oming from you!”


    “you’re the one with the seret fianée!” potter yelled “also, you an’t just ome in here, to my best mate’s home, and at like…like this!”

    “like what?”

    “like you care!”

    drao stared at him, ompletely taken abak

    “you’re apologising to people, you’re being deent,” he huffed, “and you’re volunteering at a freaking infant shool”


