《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读32

    they stared at eah other in silene while drao hoped potter wasn’t able to hear his errati heartbeat he should have stayed away from potter he should have kept his mouth shut he should have—

    “you’re engaged,” potter repeated only, this time, it didn’t sound like a quesn “i an’t believe this”

    drao pressed his lips into a tight line

    “you’re fuking engaged!”

    drao startled why was potter getting so mad? yes, drao had kept his e a seret, but there was no reason for him to—

    “why didn’t you tell me?”

    drao was surprised at how hurt potter sounded

    “it’s not offiial, yet,” he said, trying to ollet himself

    “oh, of ourse!” potter threw his hands in the air “were you seusly going to string me along until i read about it in the paper?”

    “you don’t read the paper,” drao retorted

    “drao!” potter suddenly seemed livid

    “what!” drao sned potter had no right to get mad at him he wasn’t the one with the inexpliable, teus rush! but…what was it he had just said? ‘string him along’? surely, he wasn’t implying—

    “what exatly was the point of this, then?” potter asked, gesturing around drao wasn’t sure if he meant the dinner or…their friendship?

    “you were the one who wanted to be friends,” drao pointed out

    potter raked his fingers through his hair, ausing it to look as if he’d just been out flying “then you—you don’t—”

    don’t what? what was he trying to say?

    “i guess i’ve been…reading the signs wrong”

    signs? what signs? was…was potter saying—

    “let’s just, um, fet about this”

    drao blinked did potter mean this n? this evening? everything? whatever he meant, drao didn’t want to be here anymore he wanted to url up in his bed and die

    “i just remembered, i was supposed to fireall mother this evening i better get going before it gets too te”

    “yeah, you do that,” potter said drao almost shivered at how old and distant his voie sounded

    “thank you for dinner, it was—” he broke off, having no lue how to end that sentene potter refused to look at him whih, thankfully, made his flight a little easier at least

    unfortunately, potter’s stony expresn, averted from drao’s gaze, was all he ould think about as he y awake that night, unable to find any rest

    saturday, 1 marh 2003

    “hy birthday, ron!”

    “thanks, luna oh, what’s this?”

    “your present, of ourse,” luna beamed weasley took it with a bright grin, whih quikly faded when he realised whatever was in that pakage was moving

    “luna,” he said, sounding armed “what’s in there?”

    “it’s a surprise, obusly be sure to tell me when you open it i want to see your fae”

    drao wasn’t sure whether to ugh at weasley’s worried expresn or to be worried himself luna was suh a wildard

    he leared his throat and extended his arm “hy birthday, weasley”

    for a seond, drao thought weasley would deline his hand how ironi would that be? but he didn’t, and he didn’t squeeze as hard as drao would have expeted without further expnan, drao handed him the bottle of firewhiskey under his arm some might have said it was a b gift, but these people obusly had no taste whih was why drao was far more onerned about the fat that this was probably throwing pearls before swine

    “oh wow, that’s some premium stuff! thanks, err, malfoy” huh he almost sounded genuine still, it didn’t make drao less unomfortable to be here yes, he ould have delined luna’s offer to aompany her to the party, but…well as always, it was all potter’s fault

    drao hadn’t seen him sine that dreadful dinner and her of them had made ontat again even though drao wanted to expin his…situan, he had a feeling it would only make things worse ing here probably wasn’t the smartest move, given these irumstanes, but it was also the perfet opportunity to see potter again without having to initiate it and even though drao would rather have been dead than admit it out loud, he missed seeing the stupid prat

    as soon as he and luna stepped into the living room, drao sanned the rowd there were a few people he didn’t reognise probably people weasley worked with great, just what drao needed, a bunh of drunk aurors! well, they didn’t look that profesnal now, all dressed very asually and surrounded by olourful balloons that were floating around the room

    he spotted granger, who was talking to some people from shool; thomas and finnigan, who were arently joined at the hip these days, longbottom, a few other gryffindors whose names had esaped drao, and…no potter ugh

    “so, should we get a—” drao looked around when he realised he was talking to nobody where was luna? ah, there she was, talking to one of the weasley twins drao’s heart sank a little when he realised he had fotten his name again, identifying him instead as ‘the one who survived’ drao ouldn’t have ared less about his name before, but now…maybe it was time to make some real effort

    braing himself for the unomfortable n he was undoubtedly about to have, he walked over to them, his joints beoming more stiff with every step

