《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读31

    “no, wait! i don’t think you should be using magi right now”

    drao rolled his eyes, even though he quietly agreed with potter “you do it, then”

    potter’s fae twisted “no, i don’t trust myself to—no let’s just—wait here, okay?” he got up and darted into another room his bedroom, drao supposed when he ame bak, he was holding a blue jumper

    “here, put this on”

    drao srunhed up his nose and rossed his arms in front of his hest “that’s ridiulous just wave your bloody wand and it’ll get rid of the stains”

    “drao,” potter said in a stern voie “i’m not using magi on you right now stop being a baby and put this on”

    gritting his teeth, drao wrenhed the jumper out of potter’s hands and stomped into his bedroom, banging the door shut behind him throwing the jumper on potter’s bed, he unbuttoned his shirt with fuus fingers and tossed in on the floor he grimaed as he pulled on the jumper, unwilling to aknowledge how soft it felt against his skin and…oh merlin, he didn’t think this through! of ourse the jumper smelled like potter!

    carefully, drao sniffed at the sleeve and was immediately overwhelmed how was he supposed to survive the evening like this? he tried not to think about how many times potter had worn this jumper, how it usually aressed his skin, how it probably tousled his hair when he pulled it off…oh, merlin!

    with a sowl, drao looked down on himself he probably looked ridiulous the jumper was far too big why potter liked his lothes like this, drao would never uand he looked around, frowning didn’t potter own a mirror? huh there was something in the orner of the room that ould be a mirror, but it was overed with a bedsheet letting usity get the better of him, he walked over and lifted it surely enough, his reflen stared bak at him weird! why would potter over up his mirror? oh, and drao did look very ridiulous indeed!

    sighing, he let go of the bedsheet and turned around his gaze fell on a piture frame on potter’s bedside table; potter, granger and weasley were grinning like its, their arms around their shoulders it must have been taken at hogwarts, or at least during their time there somehow, drao thought it was signifiant that this seemed to be the only personal thing potter had on dispy in his ft and it was in his bedroom, so not everybody would see it he had no idea what to make of it

    “are you okay in there?” he heard potter all drao huffed and kiked his shirt into a orner potter ould lean it for all he ared grumpily, he marhed bak into the living room he aught sight of potter’s fae, whih was strangely lighting up he almost looked as though he liked seeing drao in his jumper

    “it’s too big,” drao muttered as he sat down

    “all my lothes are like that,” potter shrugged, but there was a hint of nervousness in his voie


    potter shrugged again “i’m used to it, i guess” he was still looking at drao in that strange way he probably just felt smug, having robbed drao of his dignity

    “this was just a ploy to get me into one of your hideous jumpers, wasn’t it?”

    “maybe,” potter said with a heeky grin “it looks good on you”

    drao snorted, looking down on himself one more it was like he was wearing a tent potter was about his height, and while his shoulders might have been a bit broader, it didn’t expin why he was hoosing to wear lothes that looked like they ould fit that half-giant, hagrid

    drao’s eyes roamed potter’s fae, his torso…now that he thought about it, it looked like potter had put on a few pounds good the thought that his muggle retives had starved him still made drao want to sream but potter looked healthier now and drao suddenly felt weirdly grateful for that

    “are you still in touh with your muggle retives?” he asked, unable to stop himself

    “let’s not talk about that anymore let’s hange the subjet,” potter said, wearily no, drao wanted to say, we’re talking about this, but potter’s tortured expresn pulled at his heartstrings he nodded, trying not to be too obus about wathing potter as he ut into the pot roast

    “oh,” he blurted as he swallowed his first bite “this is…good”

    potter’s fae immediately lit up “did you just give me a ompliment?”

    drao snorted, distrating himself with another bite “don’t get used to it,” he muttered out of the orner of his eyes he saw potter hesitantly lifting a forkful of pot roast to his mouth his heart gave a little jump when potter started to hew he never would have thought wathing someone else eat ould feel that satisfying was that weird? probably

    “you know, i’ve been meaning to ask,” potter said “doesn’t your mother want you to move to frane?”

    drao let out a humourless ugh oh, the disusns they’d had about that

    “i’m just uus,” potter added

    “looking for a way to get rid of me?” drao quipped, even though he felt a little stab to the hest potter getting sik of him was suh a horrible thought

    “first of all, it’s not like frane isn’t just a portkey away,” potter said in an amused tone “seond, i’ll admit, i’m…not too mad you didn’t move to frane with your mum”

    huh was he saying—

    “so why didn’t you?” potter asked

    “it would have looked like i’m running away,” drao responded “not that i bme mother, but i just…i just wanted to stay,” he shrugged

    “not taking the easy way out,” potter said with an roving nod “i think that’s admirable”

    irritan fred up in drao and he was just about to snap at potter, when he added, “i’m gd you deided to stay”

    that…sounded…genuine but…he was gd? what did that even mean? drao felt so onfused, he grabbed at the air, instead of his wine gss whih was empty beause he had destroyed the wine ugh! potter ouldn’t just say something like that
