《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读30

    “what was that?” he stared at the firepe before his eyes wandered over to drao “did you just—was that you?”

    drao swallowed around the lump in his throat **

    “um…i told you, my magi has been a bit off,” he muttered, mely

    “but you took the pepperup pon you’re fine now”

    “not ompletely, it seems” he leared his throat when potter gave him a septial look “shall we go?”

    “sure,” potter murmured, still eyeing him suspusly “i’ll go first just say you want to go to my ft, i’ll let the wards down”

    drao nodded, stiffly, and wathed potter vanish in the green fmes he took a few deep breaths before he did the same

    the first thing he notied when he stepped into potter’s living room was how empty it looked the essentials were there, a sofa, a shelf…but there was no trae of potter nobody ould have guessed he was the one living here as drao pondered that, his eyes fell on the table in the middle of the room; he immediately froze

    “but…you already made dinner”

    “i did”

    “that was a little presumptuous, don’t you think?”

    “you’re here, aren’t you?”

    drao drank in potter’s smile it was teasing, but also…something else it made him want to smak him…and then snog him senseless oh boy this evening was already doomed

    “i’m only here beause you pratially begged me,” drao drawled

    “you an say what you want, drao, i know you like spending time with me”

    there was something so disarming about that omment, drao momentarily lost his train of thought if potter notied, he didn’t let it show he seemed orated as he lighted a few andles dles! as if this was supposed to be romanti

    “bsp;you open the wine?” he asked, looking over his shoulder

    “gdly you an’t be trusted with an important task like that,” drao replied, walking over to the table he reahed for the bottle, sanning the bel, and furrowed his brows it atually wasn’t a bad one on the ontrary it was one of drao’s favourites

    “is it not the right one?” potter asked when he saw drao frowning at the bottle

    “it’ll do,” drao shrugged

    “you’re suh an arse,” potter sniggered

    drao peeked sideways at him, his salp prikling had potter seusly spent nearly 200 galleons just to please drao? just a few days ago, he had said it was insane to spend that muh money on wine warmth spread through drao’s body, whih was highly unwelome shaking his head, he pulled out his wand and pointed it at the bottle he eyed the rest of the table and was surprised to find that potter had atually managed to put together a rather deent looking meal he wasn’t too keen on pot roast, but it looked better than he had expeted from potter

    “i didn’t know you an ook,” he murmured as he sat down

    “yeah, well, some kids learn how to py an instrument, i learned how to ook,” potter said, taking his own seat

    “your family taught you how to ook? how very muggle of them”

    “they were muggles,” potter pointed out and drao notied there was no humour left in his eyes “and they didn’t really teah me i learned as i went i only knew i was making progress when they didn’t yell at me”

    drao blinked “you make it sound like that was a ommon ourrene”

    “it was,” potter shrugged

    “but…” drao shook his head “so you ooked for them?”

    “yeah,” potter muttered, staring at his pte “sometimes they let me have the leftovers whih wasn’t that often, sine my ousin devoured anything remotely edible”

    drao ouldn’t believe what he was hearing it sou sounded like potter’s hildhood hadn’t been nearly as hy as drao had thought of ourse he had heard rumours over the years, espeially at hogwarts, but he had always thought people were exaggerating to make the rising of the saur even more glous

    “are you telling me…” he swallowed, fisting his hand into the tableloth “are you telling me they starved you?”

    potter bit his lip he looked unomfortable “i wouldn’t say ‘starved’ they…” he sighed “my aunt gave me enough…to…”

    to what? survive? this was eous! drao’s vin blurred as his stomah twisted painfully suddenly, so many little things he hadn’t pondered on when they had been at hogwarts made so muh sense in light of that reven

    drao had always been skinny himself and he ould basially eat what he wanted without gaining any weight, so he hadn’t thought anything of potter’s slim figure but now that he thought about it, he had looked uhily skinny in their first year drao remembered his disgust when he had wathed potter devour his food in the great hall he had simply thought the prat ked proper manners but now…no wonder potter had been so fixated on food drao balled his hands into fists around his utlery those damned muggles had starved him

    “what the—” potter let out a yell in surprise as the wine bottle burst into a thousand piees there was red wine everywhere drao was still flooded with anger, barely notiing that potter was talking to him

    “did you just—was that you? again?”

    drao didn’t answer, trying not to break anything else in his rage potter seemed to notie how tense he was, moving deliberately slow as he reahed for his wand with a quik flik, the shards and the spilled wine were gone

    “there’s still wine on your lothes,” potter said quietly his fae was unreadable, but there was something about the way he was looking at drao that gave the impresn he was experiening a flood of emons

    “whatever,” drao muttered before he ould grab his wand, potter spoke again

