《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读29

    “yeah, you don’t look so good,” potter said

    “i don’t need your ommentary,” drao sniffled and tried to suppress a sneeze

    “this is silly, drao! why don’t you let me ome through?”

    “exuse me, you’re the one who eared in my firepe unannouned, and now you’re inviting yourself into my parlour? again?” drao raised an eyebrow “i always knew you had poor manners, potter, but holy” he tried to hide how muh he was enjoying this, even though there was still a tiny bit of wariness lurking in the bak of his mind

    “e on,” potter whined “my knees are starting to hurt”

    “i like having you on your knees, atually”

    “oh, really?” potter said, his lips strething into an impish grin “is it too soon to make a virgin joke?”

    drao made a hoking sound and felt his heeks heating up “potter, i think it’s time for you to go”

    potter didn’t give any indian of doing what drao had told him, whih was highly irritating

    “go away and let me sleep”

    “don’t be like that,” potter said with a little pout that was almost too adorable to resist

    “i’m telling you, potter, i’m sik, and i’m out of pepperup pon, so—”

    “but i got one,” potter said in a sing-song voie “just let me ome through”

    drao sowled at him as he sunk lower in his armhair, unwilling to admit defeat “i’ll ask bise to get me some,” he said stubbornly, tightening his grip on the b

    potter made the pouty fae again ugh “do you really not want to see me?”

    drao hesitated, his eyes on the arpet “that’s not fair,” he murmured unthinkingly

    “what was that?”

    “ugh! fine! e through, you insufferable prat!”

    potter made a triumphant whooping sound before his fae vanished a moment ter, green fmes erupted in the firepe as potter stepped out of it

    “merlin, drao, it’s freezing in here! no wonder you’re sik have you fotten how to ast a heating harm?”

    “my magi has been a bit off sine i’ve aught this stupid old,” drao muttered before potter roahed him, he fliked his wand wordlessly mere seonds ter, drao felt like he was sitting in the afternoon sun, warm and osy he eyed the other man’s hand septially when potter held out the pepperup pon to him

    “what do you want in return?” he asked

    potter smiled at him, deusly “what makes you think i want something in return?”

    drao gave him a look that said far more than words potter sniggered, dropped the pon in drao’s p, and plopped down on the sofa opposite of him

    “i was going to ask if you want to ome over for dinner,” he said, nonhant

    “dinner,” drao ehoed “you want me to ome over for dinner”

    potter simply nodded and rossed his legs, strething his arms out on the bakrest he looked far more omfortable than he should have, drao deided

    “e on, take the pon so we an go over to mine” potter almost sounded impatient the urge to ask him why he was so keen on spending so muh time with drao was getting stronger holy, he didn’t uand it at all, but he felt drained already maybe it was best to leave that partiur an of worms unopened for now

    tipping his head bak, drao downed the pon, weloming the burning sensan in his sore throat the effet was instantaneous

    “better?” potter asked

    “better,” drao replied, shrugging off the b

    “great, let’s go, then”

    “let me get hanged, first,” drao said, rising from the armhair

    “why? what you’re wearing is fine”

    “i’m not dressed for dinner,” drao insisted

    “you look great, now ome on”

    drao bit bak his retort, potter’s rushed ompliment shooting through him like an arrow he knew potter had just said that to shut him up, but his stomah seemed to think it was ropriate to unleash a massive swarm of butterflies, whih started fluttering around inside him hily

    “you oming?” potter said when drao didn’t move he furrowed his brows in silent puzzlement and when drao still didn’t move, he reahed for his hand if only he hadn’t when drao’s skin made ontat with potter’s, it was as if sparks were flying between them only…there were atual sparks


    potter jumped when the firepe behind him suddenly roared and his jumper nearly aught on fire he whirled around, shoked

