《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读28

    “wow, i’m kinda speehless,” he murmured “i had no idea you were so…”

    “so what?”


    “this has nothing to do with ompasn, potter,” drao said, wrinkling his nose

    “well, but i an tell this means a lot to you”

    drao said nothing it did mean a lot to him and it was suh a strange feeling to be sharing it with potter

    “thanks for showing me,” potter said drao made a non-ommittal sound “i, um, i have a onfesn to make”


    “yeah, um…i sneaked inside when you showed luna around and one of the teahers showed me something”

    drao’s heart jumped oh no, what had potter seen?

    “she thought i might want to know that my money is being put to good use”

    oh bugger

    “she showed me some paperwork and i saw how the shool is finaned”

    damn it so muh for them keeping their mouths shut under all irumstanes

    “you helped anise all those harity gas, didn’t you?”

    drao ouldn’t tell if potter was displeased or not at least he had only found out part of the truth

    “maybe,” he said, urtly

    “you only invited me to one ga” that definitely sounded a little reproahful

    “you don’t like going to events like that,” drao pointed out

    “yeah…but still…”

    drao oed his opns, finally deiding that hoy was probably his best shot “okay, look, the thing is…i invited you to that ga to raise more money i knew if people saw you were oming—”

    “so you basially used me,” potter interrupted him “to…help hildren” potter pressed his lips together, but, drao realised, it wasn’t in irritan; it was to keep himself from ughing “and, err, that’s the only reason you invited me?”

    drao almost tripped over his own feet “what—what else would there be?”

    “drao,” potter sighed “why an’t you just admit you like me?” drao froze, his mind going ompletely bnk potter seemed to be in a simir state, looking like he was berating himself for what he’d just said “um, you know…as a person,” he added quikly

    drao willed his musles to rex, f his lips into a smirk “you’re…not horrible”

    “i’ll take it,” potter said with a grin “although…” his grin widened “you seem to like me enough to tell the kids stories about me”

    oh no, here we go

    “i tell them stories about me you just hen to be…a part of that”

    “a big part?”

    oh, that oky bastard

    “you just have to take the lead in everything, don’t you?”

    “that’s not a no,” potter said, looking smug

    drao’s mouth twithed, in spite of himself damn it! why was potter’s smile so us?

    “i’m gd i ame today,” potter said

    me too, drao thought, exhanging a long and meaningful gne with him there was no point in saying it out loud he had a feeling potter already knew

    chapter 7: think about the sequene

    friday, 31 january 2003

    drao leaned his head against the bak of the armhair, his grip on the b ed around him slowly loosening

    “i hate everything,” he murmured

