《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读27

    drao ouldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm what was it about her that made him feel like the world wasn’t suh a bad pe after all?

    “have fun,” he said “i’d better take potter somepe else, though are you going to be okay on your own?”

    “i’m not on my own, there are a bunh of hildren waiting for me and staey said she’d help me” beaming, she skipped into the ssroom where the hildren welomed her and the plush urn with ear piering sreams

    holy, the more drao thought about it, the more he was onvined luna would make a great addin to the teahing staff who would have thought?


    drao stiffened, slowly turning around oh no

    “been standing there long?” he asked, trying to sound like he didn’t are potter shrugged, but drao sensed he wanted to say something

    “out with it, potter what is it?”

    “you’re good with kids,” he said drao aught the underlying tone of wonder and snorted

    “i know, shoker” he rolled his eyes when potter sniggered

    “atually, it is kind of a shoker all this, i mean” he gestured around the hallway, arently at a loss for words “i have so many quesns”

    “i figured,” drao sighed

    “e on, you have to admit it is a little odd”

    drao just shrugged

    “why didn’t you tell me about this?”

    “there was no reason to tell you about it”

    “no reason? right, beause it’s totally normal for drao malfoy to be volunteering at a magial infant shool”

    “and that,” drao said, waving his index finger at potter, “is exatly why i didn’t tell anyone about this”

    potter stared at him, his expresn thoughtful “don’t you want people to know what you’re doing for the wizarding ommunity?”

    “no,” drao said, defiantly “i don’t need some hyporitial artile in the daily prophet or whatever bolloks they’d do”

    potter studied him losely and slowly nodded “i know what you mean”

    “that’s why i’d reiate it if you didn’t tell anyone about me…volunteering here,” drao said

    “yeah, okay, sure”

    “so, are you ready to go? or do you want to eavesdrop some more?” drao teased

    potter pressed his lips together as they walked outside at least he had the sense to look guilty

    “is the building under a ealment charm?” he asked, looking over his shoulder

    “the whole premises and they added a muggle-repelling charm”

    “yeah…kinda risky, running a magial shool in the ity, isn’t it?”

    drao shrugged “there are several others in the ountryside, but it would have been a pain in the arse for the families who live here, espeially the muggle-born hildren, sine this isn’t a b shool what? why are you looking at me like that?”

    “nothing,” potter said hastily it was obus he wanted to omment on the fat that drao was w with people he had one resented, alling them names and whatnot “how did you find this pe? and how did they let—um…”

    “what, let me work with hildren? you an say it”

    potter looked unomfortable but he slowly nodded

    “it’s a long story,” drao said evasively he didn’t feel like expining everything in detail but he knew he had to tell potter something “i guess…i don’t want others to repeat my mistakes”

    potter halted, frowning at him “drao—”

    “let’s not get into that,” drao said, waving a dismissive hand in the air “all i’m saying is…hildren like you or me only know what their parents, um, or guardians taught them until they arrive at hogwarts i know from first-hand experiene how that an turn into a problem we an’t eradiate prejudies or iy, but we an teah hildren to be more open-minded” he tried to ear as nonhant as possible while potter kept staring at him “it’s pretty simple,” drao ontinued, mostly to fill the awkward silene “basially, muggle- borns learn about magi before they ome to hogwarts and pure-bloods learn more about muggles most importantly, they do it together”

    “but most muggle-borns don’t know they have magi i only found out i’m a wizard when i got my letter from hogwarts,” potter said

    “the ministry has reated a speial department for that,” drao expined “magi is traeable, even in a hild who hasn’t used it yet”

    “so…what, there are ministry workers running around the ountry, asting spells on hildren to see if they’re a wizard or a with?” potter asked, raising an eyebrow

    “we’re…w on that,” drao said

    a fliker of amusement rossed potter’s fae as he finally resumed walking

