《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读26

    “bsp;you show me?” celia asked, lifting her head from drao’s hest

    “what do you want me to do?” potter asked

    “um…” she looked around, her blond urls bouning this way and that

    “ah, i know,” potter said he took out his wand, his eyes never leaving celia wordlessly, he fliked it several times and drao wondered what he was doing right beside them, the snow suddenly lifted off the ground and whirled around like a small tornado

    “whoa!” celia’s eyes were wide as she wathed the snow slowly transform drao ouldn’t help but ugh when he realised what potter was doing

    “oh, a snowman,” celia shrieked in delight she pped and giggled as the snowman started ing around them it was good to see her enjoy herself like that

    “impressive, huh?” potter said to celia, wiggling his eyebrows drao snorted, drawing his wand as well within seonds, a seond snowman ed around them, while celia squealed and jumped up and down smug, drao turned his gaze to potter oh boy he had a mishievous glint in his eyes he barely moved his wand, his eyes loked with drao’s, the grin on his fae widening


    relutantly, drao tore his gaze away from potter, only to see…oh, that bastard! the two snowmen were now ing with eah other, it almost looked like they were waltzing, while a dozen of little snowmen flouned around them

    “showoff,” drao muttered, eliiting another ugh from potter drao doubted he would ever tire of that sound

    “mr malfoy,” celia said, tugging at his robes “it’s him, isn’t it?” she asked, her voie quivering with exitement


    “it’s him,” she said, l her voie almost onspiratorially “the one you’re always telling us stories about it’s him, right? right?” before drao ould say anything, she turned bak to potter, beaming “mr malfoy said you’re the best flyer he’s ever seen”

    potter blinked

    “and he said you don’t have a mummy and a daddy, either, just like me”

    drao ringed

    “he said you were really sad, but you’ll be hy again, so i an be, too!”

    he ould feel potter’s gaze on him while heat and embarrassment washed over him

    “mr malfoy said he an see it in your eyes he said your eyes are so green, they—”

    “okay, time for thess, celia, darling,” drao said hastily, his heeks fming, and hoisted the little girl up in his arms she shrieked exitedly and threw her arms around his nek

    “bye,” she alled to potter, waving at him without a bakward gne, drao marhed inside, nearly stumbling over the little snowmen that were still surrying around

    “it was him, right?” she poked his shoulder impatiently when he didn’t answer “right?”

    drao groaned and let out a sigh “right,” he muttered

    celia giggled hily “does he ome to your house?”

    “um…he’s been there, yes”

    “do you py games together?”

    drao grinned “we used to py quiddith”

    celia’s eyes widened and her mouth shaped into an ‘o’ she looked impressed “do you have sleepovers?”

    “err…” drao berated his mind, as soon as images of him and potter, rolling around on a bed, popped up “not really, no”

    “does your mummy not allow it?”

    it was amazing, really, how muh truth was behind that i quesn of a hild

    “something like that,” drao said evasively

    “does he share his ookies with you?”

    drao let out a ugh “he brings me breakfast does that ount?”

    celia oked her head and pursed her lips while she ted her hin with her index finger “yes,” she finally said “is he a good friend?”

    drao paused, gazing at her thoughtfully “i think he ould be,” he said quietly

    “oh, what is that?” celia squealed drao looked over his shoulder, grinning when he saw luna holding a giant plush toy

    “i guess you’ll be learning about urns today”

    carefully, he let the squirming hild down again his eyes followed her movements as she immediately darted into the ssroom

    “oh drao, this pe is wonderful,” luna said “and the teahers are so nie! they said i ould give it a go”

