《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读19

    “may 24th”

    “potter, that’s four months from now,” drao spluttered so muh for being impassive


    so? potter really was the de person to ever walk this earth

    when the saleswoman returned with a selen of suits and showed potter the way to the hanging booths, he paused before he went in

    “just think about it it might be fun to go together,” he said with a smile

    after he vanished behind the urtain, drao sat down on the padded, ream-oloured benh in front of the big mirror he knew he’d have to make a dein sooner or ter could he really stomah where this might be going? could he really be friends with potter? oh merlin, was it too te? were they friends already? but…what if…what if potter started dating someone? drao’s head started spinning as a sudden surge of jealousy hit him if potter was already dating someone, it would be different but it would be suh a sp in the fae if he found someone new, someone who made him hy, after spending so muh time with drao, after getting to know him drao knew he was being irranal there was no way potter would ever atually want to date him aside from the fat that he ouldn’t, beause drao—

    “okay, here i ome,” potter alled

    boy, it was a good thing drao was sitting down as soon as potter pushed the urtain aside and stepped out of the hanging booth, drao’s jaw hit the floor he had thought potter looked good wearing formal robes, but looking at him now, d in a blue suit, he was fored to reonsider

    “i look ridiulous, don’t i?” potter asked, looking utterly unomfortable drao ould only stare at him with his mouth hanging open he looked absolutely breathtaking

    “ridiulous is one way to desribe it,” drao muttered ridiulously handsome, he added in his mind

    potter made a fae and looked down on himself “i’ll try on another one,” he said, losing the urtain again instintively, drao luthed at his hest, as if that would prompt his heartbeat to slow down merlin, potter would be the death of him that non seemed to be onfirmed when he stepped out again, this time wearing a grey suit “what do you think?”

    drao leared his throat, ating as though he was ompletely ued “it’s not horrible,” he murmured

    “isn’t it too tight?” potter asked

    holy, the only thing that was too tight right now were drao’s trousers he quikly rossed his legs and folded his arms over them, hoping he looked nonhant

    “try another one,” he said, hoping potter would oblige and give drao another hane to alm his nerves as potter vanished behind the urtain one more, drao saw the saleswoman roahing him

    “i took the liberty of piking one for you as well,” she said,drao the suit in her arms

    “that’s alright, i don’t—”

    “that’s a great idea,” potter alled from the hanging booth “you’ll need one if you’re oming as my—if you’re going to the wedding with me”

    drao stopped moving as the rest of potter’s unspoken sentene ehoed in his mind had he really almost just said ‘if you’re oming as my date’? drao quietly hoked, unbelievably grateful potter ouldn’t see him right now it had probably just been a stupid slip but either way, drao felt flustered as he wordlessly took the suit from the saleswoman and darted into the hanging boothto potter’s

    he quikly slipped out of his lothes, grumbling under his breath, and put on the dark blue suit the saleswoman had added a mathing tie to it, whih drao looped around his nek he was just about to reah for his wand, stashed away in his transfigured loak, when someone tugged at his urtain

    “what’s taking so long?” potter asked impatiently

    “just give me a moment,” drao answered, fumbling for his wand

    “are you wearing the suit?” potter edged on

    “i am,” drao sighed “but—hey!” drao whirled around as potter drew bak the urtain “you an’t just barge in here,” he sned

    potter shrugged “you said you were wearing the suit” drao made a fae, but let himself be tugged outside, suddenly feeling a bit shy he had never worn a muggle suit before

    his breath aught in his throat when potter put his hands on drao’s shoulder and started eyeing him ily it was impossible to tell what he was thinking when he leared his throat and took a step bak, drao wanted to groan

    “you look…” potter’s gaze beame more intense before he leared his throat again “you look really good”

    somehow, drao got the impresn potter had wanted to say something else

    “you…don’t look too bad yourself,” drao said, whih was suh an uatement, he almost ringed potter looked fabulous the bk suit, paired with a bow tie and a silky white dress shirt made him look like he had just stepped out of a painting

    potter gave him a lopsided smile that stopped drao’s heart

    “you need help with that?” potter asked, pointing at the tie that still hung loosely around drao’s nek

    “atually,” drao grumbled, “i was just about to get my wand, so i ould tie it, when you dragged me out here”

    “wait,” potter said, frowning, “you an only do it with magi?”

    “why in merlin’s name should i know how to do it without magi?” drao retorted, pursing his lips

    potter shook his head and let out a little ugh “e here,” he said, but didn’t wait for drao to oblige and stepped loser instead

    drao went rigid when potter reahed up and grabbed the tie, brushing his fingers against drao’s nek in the proess by aident surely, it was by aident also, did he have to stand so lose? drao ould feel his breath on his skin, he ould smell him…fuk this was torture!

    “there you go,” potter said, looking pleased with himself they both turned to look at themselves in the mirror and drao had to admit, the suit wasn’t that bad he liked the olour, the way the dar
