《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读20

    drao slowly nodded, too onfused to speak properly

    when he put the suit in his wardrobe that evening, he stared at it for longer than was probably normal but he ouldn’t help it not only did that suit look ompletely out of pe,to his other lothes, it also felt out of pe beause that suit seemed to be holding a promise; a promise drao was fairly sure potter wouldn’t be able to keep

    saturday, 18 january 2003

    “i brought you something,” potter said as he stepped out of the firepe drao peeked over and saw he was holding a bottle of ogden’s fi

    “at least you have the sense to ome bearing gifts,” he drawled, not b to get out of his armhair and turning his attenn bak to his book

    “well, i thought sine we emptied that fany bottle of wine the other night, i’d make up for it”

    “fany,” drao snorted potter really had no idea “that wine osts 190 galleons”

    potter stared at him “what? why would you pay 190 galleons for a bottle of wine? that’s insane!”

    drao pinhed the bridge of nose and shook his head “i have a feeling you wouldn’t uand, even if i expined it to you”

    “aw, you know how muh i like it when you’re being all snooty and ouous,” potter sniggered he walked over to drao, swinging one leg onto the armrest drao inhed away from him, eyeing him septially

    “what are you doing?” he asked

    “i’m waiting for you to get us gsses,” potter shrugged

    “you know where they are,” drao retorted “don’t at like you haven’t been here almost every day for the st week you probably know this pe better than me by now”

    potter grinned and jumped off the armrest drao wanted to point out he ould have just summoned the gsses, but he kept his mouth shut as his eyes wandered down to potter’s bakside it was a shame he seemed to prefer loose lothing then again, it left so muh more room for drao’s imaginan, whih, on seond thought, wasn’t neessarily a good thing daydreaming about potter was pretty muh all he was doing these days spending more time with him, it seemed, only amplified his desire and even though it got harder to deal with it, he thought he was doing a pretty good job at hiding it

    well, he definitely should have known better three gsses in, potter was getting emonal again arently, his mother’s birthday was oming up she would have turned 43 potter didn’t need to tell drao how muh he missed his parents he ould hear the sorrow and the yearning in his voie, in every shuddering breath drao ouldn’t have felt more unomfortable or onfused all he wanted to do washis arms around potter and omfort him he settled for a slightly trembling hand on his shoulder

    “i’m sorry,” he muttered, avoiding looking at potter he was absolutely sure his heart wouldn’t be able to take what he would find in potter’s eyes

    “me too,” potter said hoarsely and suddenly, drao felt a warm hand on his “what do you think our lives would be like if voldemort had never existed?”

    drao wasn’t sure if it was supposed to be a rhetorial quesn probably, sine potter ontinued talking without waiting for an answer

    “you know, a week before the trials, they gave me your file”

    drao stopped breathing he hadn’t known that oh merlin! that probably meant potter had read all the transripts of his quesnings had they also made notes about how drao had broken down in tears? how he had tried to fight the veritaserum, sreaming, beause he didn’t want to relive every horrible detail of the st few years while a bunh of strangers were srutinising him?

    “holy, i had to take a few breaks i ouldn’t read it all at one” he squeezed drao’s hand “i always suspeted it must have been horrible for you, being a death eater, but…what they did to you—”

    “potter—” drao snathed his hand away, his fae twisting he really, really didn’t want to talk about this

    “sorry,” potter mumbled drao ould feel his eyes on him, the sympathy that was probably shining brightly in them “but i think it’s remarkable how you made it through that and beame the person you are today”

    drao let out a humourless ugh “yeah, a pompous git as you like to put it”

    “you know i’m just teasing you seem o, that’s what i’m trying to—”

    “i have nightmares,” drao blurted “not as often as i used to but—” as soon as the words had left his lips, he wished he ould take them bak he always tried so hard to not let anybody see how muh he was still hurting, how damaged he was he didn’t like how his brain seemed to ignore that partiur preaun, seemed to be ompletely shutting down in potter’s presene

    “i get them, too,” potter said quietly “it’s really not fair, is it? voldemort is gone, but the battle isn’t over”

    drao said nothing, his throat quikly losing up

    “but i guess we’re trying, right?” drao felt potter shift beside him and saw him grab the firewhiskey out of the orner of his eyes “another one?”

    wordlessly, drao handed potter his gss hopefully, the alohol would make this talk easier or better yet, it would lead to a different topi entirely, a hier one drao should have known he should be areful what to wish for half of that bottle ter, their n had turned into a gerous baning at for him

    “how in merlin’s name were you able to keep that a seret?” he shrieked, ed potter giggled he atually giggled!

    “believe me, it was hard work we never went out in publi together,” potter said with a sigh “ultimately, it was too muh pressure we were both unhy, so we ended it”

    drao shook his head and took another sip “i annot believe you dated oliver wood! for almost two years! without anyone knowing!”

    “well, to be fair, we didn’t see eah other that often he was always travelling and training like a mania”
