《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读18

    drao’s jaw dropped “what?”

    “i’m tehnially still part of the auror program it’s mandatory to get a hek-up every six months”

    drao balled his hands into fists weasley! that buffoon! he should have been more speifi then again, maybe drao had overreated just a little bit he hadn’t even thought twie before running off to the hospital, franti and paniked if he had stopped to think about it, he would have realised weasley wouldn’t have been in diagon alley but at potter’s bedside if his ondin had been seus bugger!

    “did you think i was hurt?”

    drao bit his lip “no?”

    “so you just like yelling at people?” one again, potter looked far too amused

    drao liked his tongue before he turned to the nurse “i’m sorry about that,” he said

    she regarded him losely, her gaze flikering bak and forth between him and potter “it’s alright but if you would have let me talk, i ould have told you mr potter wasn’t injured”

    drao made a fae, feeling foolish for embarrassing himself, yet again, in front of potter

    “hey, sine you’re here,” potter grinned, “i need to run some errands care to join me?”

    drao just stared at him if he didn’t know any better, he’d say potter was atually gd he had ome to st mungo’s maybe it was the onfun over that elusive thought, mixed with the relief to see potter in one piee, that prompted him to nod

    “great,” potter beamed “although, i think we might need to transfigure your loak into a oat”


    “we’re going into muggle london”


    before drao ould protest, potter pushed him down the orridor and out the door he had the audaity to look hipper and whistle the whole way to the shop he hauled drao to when they stepped inside, drao gned around

    “is this some kind of madam malkin’s for muggles?” he asked

    “if you want to put it that way,” potter smiled drao had a suspn he would never get used to that, potter smiling at him he turned away, eyeing one of the mannequins as a woman roahed them

    “hello,” the woman said in a heerful tone “bsp;i help you with anything?”

    “yeah,” potter said “i’m looking for a suit”

    “did you have anything speifi in mind?”

    “not really”

    “do you need it for a speifi oan?”

    “yeah, um, a wedding,” potter said, his eyes darting over to drao

    “oh, ongratuns,” the woman said with a big smile on her fae

    “oh, no, no,” potter said hastily “i’m not—we’re not—it’s not our—i’m just a guest there”

    “ah, i’m so sorry,” the woman said, looking embarrassed while she brought up a hand to over her mouth “would you like me to get a few opns?”

    “that would be great, thanks,” potter said it didn’t esape drao’s notie that he looked a little flushed

    as soon as the saleswoman had vanished, he quietly leared his throat, willing his voie to sound only mildly ied as he asked, “who’s getting married?” he wathed potter fidget with the sleeve of his oat


    “cho?” drao ehoed, oking his head “g? bsp;g is getting married?”

    “yeah, to a muggle they deided to have a muggle wedding”

    while drao proessed that, he was pleased to find no hint of regret or anything indiating rese in potter’s voie everybody knew he had drooled after her in fourth year their short-lived romane a year ter had been the talk of the shool bak then, and drao still ithed to know why they had broken up

    “hey,” potter said quietly “if, um…are you—i mean, err—”

    “what?” potter stammering like that made drao edgy he knew nothing good was about to follow when potter was showing signs of nervousness

    “if you’re not doing anything that day…um…that is to say—err, you want to ome?”

    “what?” drao gawked at him had potter really just asked him what drao thought he had asked? “to the wedding? with you?”

    “yes?” potter said in an usually squeaky tone

    “oh” heat immediately rushed to his heeks potter, that blokhead! didn’t he know what inviting someone to a wedding implied? of ourse he didn’t besides, drao knew the only reason potter had just asked him was beause he was short of opns he had said all of his friends had partners and he probably didn’t want to show up there alone or with someone he barely knew so, really, he was asking drao beause he had nobody else how harming but, seusly, no matter how desperate drao might have been for potter’s attenn—ugh!—he still had his dignity at least, that’s what he kept telling himself but… wasn’t that what he was doing right now? aepting the fat that potter spent time with him beause he arently had nobody else to turn to? was going to a wedding with him for the very same reason really that muh worse?

    “when’s the wedding?” drao asked, keeping his fae impassive

