《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读14

    “oh, i’m not here beause i’m lonely or anything,” potter said, hastily “nor do i think you are”

    somehow, drao didn’t believe him but he said nothing while potter ontinued

    “it just suks sometimes, you know, being stuk between being around ouples all the time and people losing their ** over me there’s not very muh in between”

    “so…” drao deliberately left the rest of the sentene hanging in the air potter seemed to pik up on that

    “so, you’ve always treated me…well, i’d like to say like a normal person, but that’s not exatly true, is it? but you never treated me like something i ouldn’t live up to and you never walked on eggshells around me, either i like that”

    drao stared at him while potter had talked, two offee ups had floated in from the kithen and ped themselves in front of him and potter drao quikly put two tablespoons of sugar in his, thinking hard while he piked it up and started stirring

    “are you saying you liked that i was treating you like **?” he narrowed his eyes “is that some kind of weird kink?”

    potter made a sound that was something between hoking and ughing “i don’t have a weird kink,” he said, and then added under his breath, “at least, that’s not one of them”

    drao felt a prikle on the bak of his nek whih he tried very hard to ignore slowly, he took a deep breath, hoping potter wouldn’t notie “what exatly are you saying, then?”

    “i guess i’m saying…i feel like i don’t have to pretend with you you know, i…an just…be me”

    drao almost dropped his up it seemed he had just lost ontrol over his bodily funns his eyes started watering as he stared at potter without blinking, beause he ouldn’t move a single musle he notied how the now slightly blurry, bk haired figure in front of him started fidgeting again drao would have savoured it, if he wasn’t feeling so utterly ruffled

    what potter had just said…it was the biggest ompliment he had ever been given sort of no, atually, it was still, drao wasn’t entirely sure how potter had meant it surely, drao was reading far too muh into it this inexpliable…infatuan with potter was making it unneessarily hard to distinguish between atual spoken words and what he seretly wanted to hear

    he suddenly realised he was probably expeted to give some sort of answer or omment but he had no idea what to say

    ‘great meanwhile, i feel like i’m going to hurl whenever you’re anywhere near me and my heart wants to jump out of my hest and into yours, but don’t mind me you keep being yourself’

    he desperately tried to keep a straight fae, slowly lifting the up to his lips whatever he was going to say now, he had to divert potter, but also himself if he was being ho, from the thuorm that was raging inside of him

    “so you didn’t py dumb, is what you’re telling me,” he drawled “you’re being your true, imbeile self”

    potter blinked at him like a barn owl “what?”

    drao fored himself to smirk “exatly but it’s alright, we’ll just add ‘ompasn for the dense’ to my growing list of outstanding traits”

    potter blinked some more, before he rolled his eyes and his lips strethed into a lopsided smile “clearly, you haven’t lost your harming modesty,” he snorted

    sweet sazar, drao had made him smile this was not helping he put down the up, his hands slightly shaking, and popped two raspberries into his mouth he peeked over at potter’s pte and frowned why had he bothered to bring breakfast if he wasn’t going to eat anything?

    “why aren’t you eating?” he asked “surely, you haven’t brought all this just for me?”

    “oh” potter bit his lip and suddenly looked…weird almost inseure

    “go on,” drao said, leaning forward and nudging his pte loser to him potter’s eyes immediately darted…where? oh drao leared his throat and rearranged his dressing gown,his exposed olrbone “you’re making me nervous, sitting there without eating anything” well, at least half of that sentene was true

    potter slowly nodded and reahed aross the table for the srambled eggs drao notied how uhusiasti he looked, arently lost in thought he notied too te that potter was peeking right bak at him and quikly turned his attenn to his own pte

    “you just admitted i make you nervous,” potter said, and drao ould pratially hear his grin

    he bit his tongue, hoping he wasn’t blushing if only potter knew “i’ll also admit you’re giving me a headahe you seem to be awfully hy about ausing bad reans”

    “feeling nervous isn’t always bad”

    before drao ould stop himself, his eyes darted up to potter’s for one fleeting moment, drao thought he saw something there, something that made him inhale sharply

    “speaking of your outstanding traits,” potter said, his voie dripping with sarasm “it was kinda impolite, the way you ran off st night”

    “i did not run off,” drao said defensively

    “either way, i thought it was a shame you didn’t stay longer”

    drao ouldn’t help but feel suspus this felt like a trap but he ouldn’t see where potter was going with this, yet; he only felt sure the goal was to embarrass him and post- ok-gate-drao really wasn’t up for any more embarrassment

    “we’re not talking about st night,” he said, already feeling the heat rise to his heeks

    “rex, drao,” potter hukled “i know you didn’t touh me up nally”

    true it was true still, drao felt like he was hiding a dirty little seret whih, tehnially, he was

    “good, as long as we’re lear on that,” he said, grabbing more raspberries “i would never touh you nally” even though drao had always taken great pride in being an exellent liar, he wasn’t sure if his fae was betraying him just then judging from potter’s look, at least, something wasn’t rig
