《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读13

    “yes, well, and whose fault is that?” he sned “thanks to you, showing up here ompletely unannouned, i didn’t have time to get dressed properly,” he added, hastily potter didn’t need to know he wasn’t wearing anything underh “whih brings us bak to my quesn, potter what are you doing here?”

    “ah, i just—i wanted to make sure you got home okay st night” he looked sheepish “i brought breakfast,” he said, almost sounding apologeti

    “you brought breakfast,” drao ehoed

    “yeah, um…bsp;i ome in?”

    too baffled to say anything, drao just stared at him this wasn’t a good idea but… potter had ome all this way…and drao was a bit hungry how muh harm ould breakfast dht? fuk, his self-disipline really suked these days

    regarding potter warily, he slowly stepped aside his mind immediately sreamed at him that he ould not, under any irumstanes, have breakfast with potter, on a sunday, in his home, pratially naked! well, too te for that, he thought as potter stepped into the dining room, put down the bags and murmured a spell a whole bunh of tableware ame flying from the kithen and ped itself ly on the table

    “please, make yourself at home,” drao muttered sarastially as the bags started to unpak themselves

    “i would, if you tell me where the offee mahine is,” potter grinned, shrugging off his oat “you do have a offee mahine, right?”

    drao rolled his eyes and wordlessly stomped off into the kithen potter followed him, whih was, in drao’s opin, highly unneessary

    it was weird, having potter in his kithen he seemed to share the se at least he started fidgeting with his jumper while peering at drao from under his shes corren, he was peering at drao’s bare legs drao oughed quietly, trying not to feel too flustered

    “huh, you haven’t hanged anything,” potter said, looking around


    “oh, i don’t know, i somehow expeted you to—nevermind”

    drao fliked his wand to get the offee mahine going and narrowed his eyes at potter

    “you’ve never been in my kithen”

    “atually, i have,” potter said “i was part of the auror team that, err, made sure this pe was, err, safe to live in you know, after your trial”

    “i didn’t know that,” drao said, taken abak huh maybe that would expin why potter had waltzed in here without even batting an eyesh drao would have thought he would be more…traumatised by the manor drao still was sometimes “but you were barely training to be an auror then”

    “yeah, well…” potter shrugged “robards thought it might be a good idea for me to tag along i wasn’t dying to get bak in here but it was almost therapeuti, getting rid of all the dark magi that was still lingering in the orners, so to speak”

    “i see,” drao said ftly potter seemed to ath his irritan

    “i thought about telling you,” he said

    “why didn’t you?” drao asked, raising an eyebrow “we bumped into eah other often enough”

    “how was i supposed to bring that up?”

    drao had to admit, potter had always been pants at making n and if he was being ho, he probably wouldn’t have let potter expin everything properly it would have hurt his pride too muh it still did, a little bit

    “i was surprised you wanted to stay here,” potter said “i would have thought you’d get a new pe one without so many…memories”

    drao inwardly groaned “it’s one of the few things the ministry let me keep,” he said, almost defensively “were you involved in those deins, too?”

    potter slowly shook his head “i wasn’t”

    “i see,” drao repeated, beause, holy, he had no idea what else to say this n was awkward and unpleasant and far from how he wanted to spend his sunday m casting a quik gne at the offee mahine, he turned around and marhed bak to the dining room, potter at his heels drao wathed him losely, and warily, as he sat down opposite of him her of them ommented on the fat that drao hadn’t hosen to sit at the head of the table he ouldn’t aside from the fat that the dark lord had sat there while he had made malfoy manor his headquarters, it was his father’s seat and as muh as drao had distaned himself from him by now, a part of him still ouldn’t shake him ompletely maybe he never would

    not wanting to ponder on that, espeially with potter right in front of him, he quikly summoned two napkins of ourse potter had fotten about that the heathen his eyes sanned the food potter had brought, irritan fring up in him when he notied the prat had atually managed to pik up a lot of his favourites huffing, he grabbed a roissant and a few raspberries and put them on his pte

    “so, how ome you’re having breakfast with me? was everyone else unavaible? are you that desperate for ompany, potter?” drao inwardly ringed he had meant to insult potter, not funt his self-loathing

    potter shrugged “i told you, i wanted to make sure you’re okay”

    “yeah, exept, i don’t buy it,” drao said, biting into the roissant “why are you really here?”

    potter started fidgeting with his jumper again, making him look very suspus “we, err, we didn’t really get to talk st night i mean, we did, but…not really not enough”

    drao’s eyes widened not enough what was potter on about?

    “you want to talk,” he said, raising an eyebrow “about what?”

    “nothing,” potter shrugged “and everything”

    drao’s brow rose even higher at that “you have enough friends, potter you don’t need any more”

    “you an never have enough friends true friends”

    “what’s that supposed to mean?” he gave him a speutive gne “trouble in gryffindor-paradise?”

    “no, no,” potter ughed with a dismissive gesture “my friends are great, it’s just…” he bit his lip again “most of them are a pa
