《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读12

    “you don’t need my roval,” drao sned, trying to sit still, even though the warmth, radiating from potter’s arm, was making him want to sream

    “no, i don’t,” potter said, resuming to drum his fingers against the hair “but i’d like to know what you think”

    drao snorted “holy, i ouldn’t are less”

    potter let out a sigh “i’m trying to be nie here, drao, but you’re making it extremely hard”

    “oh, i bet he is,” bise hukled that bastard!

    drao lowered his head and pressed the bak of his hand against his forehead to show how fed up with bise he was, but also to hide the rimson fmes he ould feel on his heeks

    “is it me being nie?” potter whispered


    “is me being nie what’s making you so unomfortable?”

    drao’s head sned up again “what makes you think i’m unomfortable? i’m perfetly at ease”

    “right,” potter said, obusly not onvined drao fored his body to rex he even sagged down in his seat a little the orner of potter’s mouth twithed as he wathed drao slide down lower and lower “okay, okay, you’re perfetly at ease,” he ughed

    drao ouldn’t keep his lips from strething into a smile as well right before he slipped off the hair ompletely, he hoisted himself up the sudden movement made him dizzy, and, for a seond, he wondered if potter knew how intoxiated he really was he was giving him a strange look

    “what?” drao asked

    “um…nothing,” potter said his leg twithed and it took drao almost ten fuking seonds until he asked himself why he ould feel potter’s leg twith he looked down at the alling grey jeans wait why was his hand on those jeans? wait! why was his hand on potter’s thigh? fuk! drao wanted to die right there and then what should he do now? withdraw his hand, obusly but snathing it away as though he’d been burnt seemed a) hildish and b) too revealing yes, he would slowly, very very slowly, slide his hand down, as if it was deliberate and—wait, no what was he doing? fuk, and now potter was looking at him as though…as though…

    “do you need help with that?” a low voie breathed against drao’s ear drao jumped

    “bise, you fuking bastard,” he bellowed, and he probably would have hexed him on the spot, if…well, if his hand hadn’t been pressed against potter’s roth “oh fuk,” drao hissed, snathing his hand away his eyes iently loked with potter’s “s—sorry,” drao mumbled, suddenly feeling numb

    he had just touhed potter’s ok potter’s cobsp;holy mother of merlin!

    “it was an aident,” potter said, and it didn’t esape drao’s notie that his voie sounded raspier than before “unless…it wasn’t”

    as though those words had triggered something in drao’s body, he immediately started to ough “in your dreams, potter,” he hoked he heard bise hukle beside him

    “pfft, as if, malfoy,” potter retorted, squaring his shoulders

    as the oughing fit slowly eased, embarrassment rashed down on him as if the whole eiling had just olpsed fuk his hand had been on potter’s ok! maybe this was an unmistakable sign to put an end to this misery of an evening

    “i have to go,” drao announed, grabbing his loak

    “drao,” potter alled, whih drao hose to ignore as soon as he started walking, he disovered, unfortunately, he was staggering bugger

    he stepped out into the dark, the old air hitting him in the fae like a s harm he fumbled inside his loak for his wand, momentarily distrated when he heard footsteps behind him


    ugh, what did potter want now?

    “let me take you home,” he said drao’s mind reeled as the words piered him they were i enough, and yet, his traitorous mind supplied him with images of potter, grabbing his hand, arating them to the manor and pushing him against a wall while he begged drao to touh him again for real this time

    “i’m fine, potter! go bak in,” he sned

    “what if you splinh yourself?” potter insisted

    “i won’t,” drao replied ftly

    “e on, let me—”

    “i’m fine, potter,” he said, and with a desperate flik of his wand he fled the sene he nded, rather ungainly, faedown on his bed

    chapter 4: sink and drown and die

    sunday, 5 january 2003

    drao was just about to go downstairs when he felt the wards of the manor warning him about an intruder who the fuk was oming here, unannouned, at this hour, on a sunday? it ouldn’t be bise or pansy, the wards didn’t reat to them

    cursing under his breath, drao hurried downstairs and opened the door he was met with the sight of a startled potter, holding several bags

    “what—what are you doing here?” drao asked he wathed as potter’s eyes quikly darted down his body and bak up, his mouth falling open

    “you—you’re wearing a dressing gown”

    drao knew he was blushing, and mentally swore the embarrassment from st night hadn’t even worn off yet leave it to potter to add a little extra, just in ase

