《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读11

    “psst, drao,” pansy hissed “want to make a bet?”

    drao arhed an eyebrow at her deus smile and the way she was urling her finger under her hin

    “i’m good,” he delined

    “but you haven’t even heard it yet”

    “i don’t need to”

    “what if it involves getting into potter’s pants?” she smirked drao shot her a dark look

    “hey, you’re not making any bets involving…harry’s pants,” weasley said “espeially not you,” he added, pointing at drao

    “what’s that supposed to mean?” drao asked, inredulously

    “let’s just—no bets, okay?” granger said, her hands outstrethed between her boyfriend and drao, as if she was trying to prevent them from jumping out of their seats and start a duel

    “whatever,” drao muttered, rossing his arms in front of his hest

    “aw, don’t pout, drao i’m sure there’ll be plenty of hanes to get into potter’s pants,” bise sniggered, patting drao’s shoulder sazar’s balls! this evening had been a mistake he should have just stayed at home…

    “what did i miss?” potter asked as he sat down again

    “nothing,” drao said hastily he turned to potter, trying to make sure nobody else aught his attenn and filled him in his effort was redunt, he realised, sine potter’s eyes were already fixed on him

    “here, i brought you another,” he said,drao the wine in his hand

    “i really shouldn’t,” drao said, immediately wrenhing the gss out of potter’s grip and taking a swig

    “o-kay,” potter said, sounding septial and amused at the same time “i think you should drink this on the side” he ped a gss of water in front of drao, as if it wasn’t a big deal and…of ourse it wasn’t it was just water and yet, drao stared at it in wonder

    “what are you now, my haperone?” he said, unable to withhold a teasing smile

    “you look like you need one,” potter quipped “although, ‘haperone’ isn’t quite what i was going for”

    “oh?” drao’s head was swimming drinking and being this lose to potter really wasn’t a good ombinan

    “being a haperone is too…restriting” potter fshed him an irritatingly ute smile

    “don’t do that,” drao said, furrowing his brows

    “what am i doing?” potter asked, puzzled

    “don’t go around, showing people your dimples as if it’s nothing”

    potter blinked “i—what?”

    ugh, why was potter so dense?

    “your dimples,” drao said, emphatially he jabbed a finger at potter’s heek, poking it repeatedly

    “ow, drao,” potter half-heartedly protested, his lips strething into another smile

    “no dimples,” drao said, defiantly

    “i didn’t realise my dimples are so offending,” potter sniggered

    “they are,” drao said, sowling stubbornly “very”

    “is there anything else about me that’s offending you?” potter asked with a strange twinkle in his eyes

    drao looked him up and down, trying to hoose his words arefully “holy, potter, you should know by now that basially everything about you is offending,” he drawled it wasn’t untrue

    “i think your eyes are what’s offending him the most,” bise unhelpfully hipped in “and probably your hair and…” he feigned refletiveness before he shrugged and leaned bak “yeah, no, he’s right it’s everything”

    “i’m so sorry to hear that,” potter grinned

    drao hastily reahed for his wine was it possible potter had finally learned to grasp the o of subtext? nah drao was probably w over nothing

    “you know what i find offending?” potter said in a low voie drao shot him a wary look “that shirt”

    if drao hated one thing, it was being flustered

    “unsurprising,” he said, trying to sound like he didn’t are “one look at your lothes says everything”

    it really did the beige jumper he was wearing was the most b thing drao had ever seen at least it omplimented his skin tone and it did bring out the olour of his eyes a bit drao had also notied that the jumper was a little too big for potter, but he had rolled the sleeves up to his elbows, exposing his forearms, his lovely dark skin…the grey muggle jeans also weren’t as tight as drao liked his own trousers, and, horrifyingly, they were ripped at the knees

    “you don’t rove?” potter asked, not sounding one bit like he wanted anyone’s roval he leaned bak in his hair and put one leg over the other, his ankle resting on his knee and then, he put his arm bak on drao’s hair

