《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读10

    “i swear to sazar, potter, if you get beer on my trousers, i’ll make you regret ever setting foot into this bar,” drao growled

    potter looked him up and down for a moment before he turned to bise “yeah, he’s a deliate flower,” he said, keeping his fae impassive

    bise hukled and elbowed drao in the ribs “luky bastard,” he repeated

    “stop alling me that,” drao hissed it didn’t esape his notie that the orners of potter’s mouth urved upwards, even though he was trying to hide it he resumed drumming his fingers on drao’s hair, his thumb swiping over drao’s shoulder bde, seemingly by aident drao ouldn’t help but twith at the ontat **, why had he deided to wear the light blue dress shirt? it was so thin, it pratially felt like potter’s thumb was touhing his bare skin

    “hey, by the way,” potter said, leaning loser “how was christmas?”

    “it was fine,” drao said, a little breathless the fewer words he used, the better

    “how’s your mother?”


    “how was the food?”


    “any good presents?”



    “oh, um…good—good presents the presents were good,” drao stammered, reahing for his wine fuk potter and his thumb! it was absolutely inexusable to make a malfoy stammer like this! oh, and speaking of whih, fuk potter and his stupid, ravishing smile as well!

    drao gulped down his wine, hoping the alohol would hit him quikly his best hane to get through this evening without further embarrassment was to divert potter let him talk, drao thought

    “how was your christmas?” he asked, avoiding his gaze

    “it was fine,” potter grinned fortunately for him, before drao ould hex him on the spot, he deided to eborate “it was really great, atually christmas at the burrow is always speial mrs weasley got a bit ross, though ron and gee spiked her christmas punh without her knowing but holy,” he hukled, “there’s nothing like ron and gee singing christmas arols while they’re ompletely pissed”

    “i imagine it was quite the sene,” drao said, wrinkling his nose

    “you have no idea,” potter ughed merlin, it was so good to see him ugh he leaned loser, whispering in drao’s ear “he took off his jumper and gee drew baubles on his nipples and a reindeer on his stomah his bellybutton was the nose it was kind of disturbing”

    drao tried really hard not to ugh, but the image potter had just desribed was just too ridiulous his eyes darted over to weasley and within mere seonds, his entire body was shaking with ughter

    “oh really?” he wheezed “merlin, i hope you took some pitures as future bkmail material”

    potter sniggered beside him, his breath warm on drao’s nek drao ouldn’t deide if that was what was suddenly making him dizzy or the alohol

    “oi,” weasley alled from aross the table “are you guys talking about me?”

    “no, weasley,” drao spluttered “we’re ughing at you”

    weasley glowered at him, then at potter “what did you tell him?”

    “just some stuff that hened on christmas,” potter shrugged

    weasley promptly jutted his hin forward and huffed “whatever, ferret,” he mumbled drao would have retaliated, if potter hadn’t hosen this exat moment to start drawing irles on drao’s shoulder with his finger fuking mother of merlin!

    “how did you spend new year’s?” potter asked, sipping at his beer drao blinked his brain was w slower than usual

    “oh, mother and i were invited to a friend’s party”

    “ah,” potter said “anyone speial there? someone you kissed at midnight, perhaps?”

    drao opened his mouth, only to lose it again, without being able to say anything his gaze fliked down to potter’s lips there was a bit of foam above his upper lip from his beer oh, how muh drao wanted to lik it he hated beer, but you always had to make sarifies in life, right? his fingers twithed with the desire to reah up and touh potter’s fae, his legs trembling at the thought of leaning into his body…it only got worse when his eyes loked with potter’s there was something about the way he was looking at drao that made his breath hith

    “so, did you?” potter asked, his voie barely a whisper


    “kiss anybody at midnight?”

    “oh” drao swallowed around the sudden lump in his throat “no?” he had no idea why his answer sounded like a quesn his mind was too far gone, arently

    potter’s srutinising gaze intensified “good”

    good? what? why?

    “yeah…good,” drao breathed, oblius to the fat that he was slowly but surely leaning forward

    “merlin, get a room, you two,” he suddenly heard pansy all at that, drao nearly jumped out of his seat, immediately drawing bak and smoothing down his shirt heat oursed through him, leaving him flustered and onfused he sneaked a peek at potter, who looked ompletely undisturbed as he sipped at his beer internally grumbling, drao narrowed his eyes damn potter! was he even realising how muh he affeted drao? arently not

    shortly after, potter exused himself, and drao finally felt like he ould breathe again

