《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读9

    potter blinked, letting go of drao’s shoulder immediately but he didn’t remove his arm from the bak of his hair drao wanted to shove it away, but refrained he reminded himself not to give potter so muh power over him but, merlin, if a simple touh on the shoulder had that effet on him, what would hen if—no! not now wait, no, not ever! he would never think about that

    as potter reahed for his drink, his arm was suddenly pressed against drao’s bak, making him jump yet again potter obusly hose to ignore it as he took a swig and, irritatingly, stayed in that posin drao was this lose to stomping on the prat’s foot, only distrated by the tingling that trikled down his spine his heart was raing as if he had just been running from a hippogriff, his head spinning from the alohol

    when bise started ughing at something potter had just said, and nudged him, drao finally had enough he started to get up to go to the loo again, but a hand on his thigh startled him into plopping down he looked at the little hand, the dark blue, glittery nails and pale skin, before his eyes sned up to luna’s fae

    “bise,” she said, “maybe you and i should swith pes i don’t think drao is too fond of you flirting with harry”

    drao froze, every musle in his body lenhing he stared at luna, inredulously, feeling like he had just been punhed in the fae his heeks had never felt so hot

    “is that so?” bise said, evidently amused “well, we better keep our little dragon from spitting fire we wouldn’t want anybody to get hurt, now would we?”

    drao heard bise pushing bak his hair as he wathed luna rise from hers and step around him when bise sat downto him, he patted drao’s knee with a toothy grin

    “there you go, drao,” he said “you an rex now”

    oh, if only looks ould kill unfortunately, bise seemed nowhere near threatened and simply sniggered while drao glowered at him he wanted to turn away from the bastard, but that would mean he would have to look at potter, whih really wasn’t an ealing alternative at all fuk everything! what in sazar’s name was he supposed to do now?

    potter shifted beside him, rubbing his arm against drao’s bak in the proess oh, for the love of—

    “is that true?” potter whispered, his hot breath tikling drao’s ear “do you…” he let the rest of the sentene gling between them, feeding the bzing fire in the pit of drao’s stomah

    “what!” drao sned, finally turning around to him he was momentarily taken abak by potter’s expresn, whih was amused, but he also looked…uus? “you’re so full of yourself”

    “what? i didn’t—luna was the one who said—i—”

    “merlin, potter, don’t strain yourself your head is going to explode”

    drao bit the inside of his heek as potter regarded him with a strange expresn he leaned bak in his seat and started drumming his fingers on drao’s hair; it sent waves of shok through his body it was almost too muh, the antiipan of potter’s fingers aidentally missing the hair and brushing against drao instead…

    “you do look tense,” potter remarked

    “well, you look like a hump!” smooth, drao, real smooth

    “are we really bak to petty insults?” potter asked “man, you were a lot more ompanable when we were at lunh”

    drao stiffened, espeially when he saw bise’s fae lighting up like a christmas tree

    “ooooh, really?” he smirked “tell us more! you guys had lunh together? when?”

    “two weeks ago,” potter said

    “well, well, well,” bise said, gazing at drao “you never said anything”

    “it wasn’t worth menning,” drao drawled, refusing to look at potter

    “you were a lot nier then, malfoy,” potter muttered

    “hey, why don’t you start alling him drao?” bise smirked “sine, you know, you guys already went on a date and everything”

    “it wasn’t a date!”

    “oh, shush, you luky bastard”

    drao wanted to grab bise and shake him what did he think he was doing?

    “um…i mean, i ould—if you—”

    drao turned to fae potter, who was suddenly rather flustered

    “i wouldn’t mind alling you by your first name,” he said

    instintively, drao rolled his eyes “do i look like i are?”


    it was as if fireworks had just gone off somewhere around his midriff and the heat was turning his insides into warm, molten hoote


    “whatever, potter”

    “you…err—you an also all me harry…if you want”

    drao snorted, masking his nervousness “don’t ount on it, potter,” he said in his most super voie, while he pressed his palms against his thighs to keep his hands from shaking

    “he’ll ome around,” bise said with a dismissive gesture “he’s a bit timid”

    potter snorted into his beer and started oughing “right,” he spluttered

