《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读8

    drao restrained himself from rolling his eyes he had a feeling she would keep pestering him unless he gave it a go wrinkling his nose, he bent forward to take the straw between his lips huh it wasn’t so bad not bad at all, atually his expresn must have given him away, sine luna beamed at him

    “see,” she said drao almost smiled before the door opened and his eyes darted over to the person who had just stepped in not potter drao gritted his teeth, berating himself for being so foolish this was not good he was a grown man a suessful, aomplished grown man so how ome harry bloody potter made him feel like a little boy whose andy had just been taken away from him? this was so not good

    “i’ll get theround,” he announed, rising from his seat

    “i’ll join you,” luna said

    great, drao thought arently, the pestering was about to ontinue they made their way to the bar together with drao only gning at the door one

    “are you afraid someone you don’t like will show up?” luna asked drao blinked, feeling aught but also unsure how to answer that “it’s okay,” she ontinued “you don’t have to like everyone, you know”

    drao snorted and turned his attenn to the bartender while the bloke was busy preparing their drinks, drao peered over at luna, who was smiling at him this girl was very hard to figure out he didn’t have to like everyone? nobody here liked him exept for bise and pansy and on some days, he wasn’t even sure they really did

    “i heard something iing about you the other day,” luna said drao froze uh-oh this ouldn’t be good “a friend of mine works at a non-profit anisan here in london” uh-oh! “i think you know her her name’s staey she said—”

    “she must have onfused me with somebody else,” drao said hastily

    luna oked her head “i…didn’t even say she saw you”

    “oh” damn it!

    luna leaned loser to him and dropped her voie “do you not want anyone to know?” she asked drao stayed silent, pressing his lips together “that’s okay,” she said “but i really like what you’re doing i think that’s a very good way to redeem yourself”

    drao made a hoking sound was this girl for real? she didn’t seem to mean it in a sarasti way

    “is something wrong?” she asked

    before he ould stop himself, drao ughed “no, nothing’s wrong” he drummed his fingers on the bar as he wathed luna py with a strand of her hair “why are you here?” he asked after a while

    “going out with friends is nie,” she shrugged “i never—”

    “no,” he interrupted her “i mean, why did you ome with me?”

    “oh, i thought you might like some ompany,” she said and smiled again something about her smile made drao nervous it was too genuine, too sweet, too uanding “you looked kind of sad”

    “sad?” drao ehoed, raising an eyebrow why would she think that? “i’m not—”

    his eyes involuntarily flikered over to the door, whih had just been opened again his breath aught in his throat as everything around him suddenly seemed to be hening in slow mon potter was smiling, his eyes lighting up as he aught sight of his friends he raked his fingers through his hair, whih was sprinkled with snow drao’s eyes widened his heeks were red from the old, and he was ed in a thik bk wool oat that made him look far more sophistiated than drao knew he was

    drao’s eyes followed his every move as he squeezed weasley’s shoulder and went on to greet the rest of the group thank merlin drao wasn’t there right now he quikly turned bak to luna, who had a uus look on her fae

    “i need to go to the loo,” drao announed and hurried away he aught sight of himself in the mirror, his reflen staring bak at him, flushed and a little startled he should go home now nothing good would ome out of going bak to that table he’d only be t himself no, his mind orreted, potter would be t him all of this was potter’s fault that bastard! how dare he!

    drao’s eyes narrowed as he willed his heeks to pale again no, he wouldn’t give potter that muh power he would go out there and prove he ould stand up to him maybe he’d even find potter wasn’t that great at all beause, really, he wasn’t he was just an annoying prat, with his annoying hair, his annoying eyes, his annoying voie, his annoying dimples, his annoying—ugh!

    drao squared his shoulders as he walked bak to the table granger was telling a story, it eared

    “potter,” drao said, f his voie to sound low a few heads turned, inluding potter’s he was looking at drao as if he had been waiting to see him momentarily taken abak, drao leared his throat before he spoke again “you’re in my seat,” he said ftly

    “oh,” potter replied, eloquently, making no move to get up he looked around, took out his wand and fliked it one drao gasped as he was suddenly knoked off his feet, only to find himself sitting in a hair, wedged between luna and potter “there you go,” the prat said, grinning, before he turned his attenn bak to granger

    what the fuk! how was drao supposed to at dignified when this was what he had to put up with?

    he automatially reahed for his wine, but stopped when he notied there were two drinks in front of him

    “i ordered you one as well,” luna said, pointing at the purple drink “but i didn’t want to anel the wine, in ase you wanted to sowl a little more you seem to like doing that”

    baffled, drao looked at the drink, then at luna he ouldn’t tell if she was making fun of him she took her own gss and raised it

    “cheers,” she said, smiling at him slowly, drao mimiked her pose, finally linking their gsses together he peeked sideways as he drank, wrinkling his nose as he spotted the beer in front of potter the prat really had no taste figures

    he tried t
