《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读7

    “it’s just drinks, drao,” bise said

    “what’s the big deal? we’re having drinks right now,” drao pointed out

    “tea doesn’t ount,” pansy said, shaking her head “and it definitely doesn’t ount if you don’t leave the house”

    “e on, it’ll be fun,” bise grinned

    “i doubt that” drao leaned bak in his hair and rossed his arms in front of his hest

    “b,” pansy said in a sing-song voie, pursing her lips as she took a sip of tea

    “drao,” bise began, making drao groan “just ome for one drink if you don’t like it—”

    “let him be, bise,” pansy ied “it’s no use if he doesn’t want to”

    bise sowled at pansy, muttering “traitor” under his breath

    “finally,” drao said with a smirk

    “holy, you’d probably be unomfortable there anyway,” pansy said in a bored tone


    “we’re meeting finnigan and thomas,” she said, ompletely nonhant “and they said something about a few other people they’d invite, too”

    “you’re meeting finnigan and thomas? for drinks?” drao asked, inredulously “but…why?”

    “surprisingly, they’re pretty fun to be around,” bise shrugged

    “but…sine when are you hanging out with them?”

    “we don’t we ran into eah other on new year’s and thought it might be fun to do it again”

    drao looked at his friends in bewilderment what the fuk had hened while he had been in frane? he had been gone for a week, a week, and now his friends were in liaison with two former gryffindors?

    “who else is oming?” drao asked suspusly

    “i’m not sure,” pansy said “but i’m guessing they’ll bring some of their mates”

    some of their mates did that inlude potter? drao had no idea if he was still lose with finnigan and thomas all the more reason not to go, he deided the st thing he needed right now was seeing potter in his natural habitat; rexed, amongst his friends, making jokes, ughing…

    “is something wrong?” bise asked, and drao realised he’d been frowning he shook his head and ontinued piking at his roissant he shouldn’t go he really shouldn’t but… what if bise flirted with potter again? what if potter got so sloshed, he’d suddenly be reeptive to bise’s wooing? drao ould just piture it; the two of them sitting so lose their thighs were touhing, bise’s hand on potter’s knee under the table, bise whispering something in potter’s ear, making him hukle, bise leaning in at the end of the night, when they were outside, saying good night…

    “one drink,” drao sned “just one drink”

    bise and pansy exhanged a look, their expresns turning irritatingly smug

    “told ya,” pansy said, winking at bise, who started sniggering into his tea

    it took a seond for drao to realise what had just hened

    “i hate you both,” he growled, stuffing the rest of the roissant into his mouth, ign their ughter

    they had totally pyed him

    saturday, 4 january 2003

    “and then the goat just ran away!”

    drao sowled as some of bise’s firewhiskey nded on his trousers he didn’t seem to notie as he was seized with mad ughter, spping his knee everyone was ughing, drao notied he had no idea what thomas’ story had been about, he hadn’t listened to a word instead, his eyes had been glued to the door it was after ten and potter still hadn’t shown up was he even oming? drao didn’t want to ask, but felt a mixture of antiipan, disoi and fury granger and weasley were here, so where the fuk was potter?

    “are you not satisfied with your wine?”

    drao jerked and turned to his left, blinking at luna

    “um, no, it’s fine why?”

    “beause you keep sowling at it,” she said with a smile drao made a non-ommittal sound in the bak of his throat and took a swig

    “i guess i’ve had better,” he said

    “you want to try this?” she held up her deep purple drink, whih was steaming a bunh of fruit had been ped on the rim, almost onealing the olourful straw

    “no, thanks,” drao said, making a fae

    “you might like it,” she smiled “you’ll never know if you don’t try”

