《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读6

    “who said anything about a new girlfriend?” potter asked, seemingly aught off guard

    drao stared at him, willing his heartbeat to slow down ‘what about a boyfriend?’ he wanted to ask how many hours, days and months he had spent, w if potter might like blokes and here it was, the perfet opportunity to find out

    before he ould ask any more quesns, however, tom ame by to see if they needed anything else, distrating them both and leading the n into another diren

    if the irumstanes had been different, drao might have been tempted to admit that spending time with potter wasn’t that bad after all objetively but, the thing was, it was torture he was so aware of every word, every gne they exhanged, trying not to let show how many thoughts raed through his head holy, it was exhausting

    drao insisted on getting the tab and after they stepped outside, he stared at potter’s outstrethed hand

    “what?” potter asked, stupidly in drao’s opin

    rolling his eyes, he shook the other man’s hand

    “we should do that again sometime,” potter added

    “sure,” drao replied, his voie sounding indifferent he knew that was just an empty phrase, something you said to someone you seretly hope to never see again he let go of potter’s hand and turned away, i on going home as quikly as possible

    “oi, malfoy,” he heard potter all drao briefly losed his eyes and took a deep breath before he threw a quesning look over his shoulder potter was smiling at him shyly sweet merlin!

    “i don’t have a girlfriend,” he said drao arhed an eyebrow in onfun “and i don’t have a boyfriend, either”

    wait what? why was potter telling him this? seusly, why was potter telling him this? was it just to tease him? drao would have bet anything the prat was taken but he was single? potter was single?

    and i don’t have a boyfriend, either

    was he implying…he swung both ways? merlin’s pants!

    suddenly, drao wished potter hadn’t said anything at all he was single he liked blokes…


    that was even worse! it made everything so muh worse being jealous ame easy to drao, he ould have handled that given the irumstanes, he would have even welomed that what he ouldn’t handle was being presented with a possibility, no matter how small, but knowing it would never end the way he wanted it to

    “okay,” drao said warily and turned away again

    “wait, are you seeing someone?” potter alled after him

    drao snorted, whih almost turned into a ugh “merry christmas, potter,” he said, before he arated bak to the manor

    chapter 3: it makes me so mad

    friday, 3 january 2003

    “you need to get out more”

    “i was literally just out of the ountry, bise”

    “that’s not what i’m talking about,” bise said with a wave of his hand “you’ve beome so…”

    “what?” drao sned

    “b,” bise said with a semi-disgusted look on his fae

    “hate to break it to you, drao,” pansy himed in, piking up a sone and breaking it apart, “but he’s right” she wrinkled her nose as she sanned the little serving ontainers drao had ped on the table “why is raspberry always the only jam in your house?”

    “you know it’s my fav—pansy!”

    “what, nobody else is eating the sones,” she said as she dipped it into the jam

    “what would your mother say?” bise quipped

    “i don’t give a damn and don’t hange the subjet, drao! all you ever do these days is hole yourself up in the manor with a bunh of paperwork it’s so b,” she said

    “exuse me for having a job,” drao said, rolling his eyes

    “it’s not a job,” pansy remarked “it would be if you earned money but you don’t i don’t even know why you’re doing it”

    “i’m not going to expin it to you again,” drao shot bak “what exatly do you want me to do?”

    “e out with us tomorrow night,” bise proposed, a suspus glint in his eyes

    “definitely not,” drao said, piking at his roissant

    “told ya,” pansy said, smirking at bise she traed the rim of her teaup with one of her perfetly maniured fingers “merlin forbid something interferes with his daily moping his life has beome so mune”

    bise sniggered while drao grit his teeth he hated when pansy talked about him as if he wasn’t there but he knew exatly why she was doing it she was trying to irritate him, provoke him, so he’d say yes to their proposal just to prove them wrong well, she ould try all she wanted

