《(HP同人)It Actually Hurts(英文版)》分卷阅读5

    “i liked talking to you espeially while you were in suh a good mood”

    “good mood?” drao ehoed “i was drunk, potter”

    “i know,” he smiled “but it made you…a little less seus i liked that” the smile widened

    fuk what was going on? the few times he had bumped into potter over the years had been nothing like this granted, potter had been friendly but he had also been urt and aloof drao had gotten the impresn potter was doing what he thought was required of him but this, potter being openly nie to him, was a first and it was horrible it only made things worse

    “how ome you’re not at work at two in the afternoon on a monday?” drao said after learing his throat “are you already on holiday? i didn’t take you for the type to take a holiday at all”

    something flikered aross potter’s fae as he took another sip of his butterbeer “um, in a manner of speaking i’m on holiday, yes”

    “why do you say it like that?”

    “like what?”


    potter sighed, leaning bak in his hair “i rarely talk about it to be ho”

    drao studied him losely as his fae twisted into something unreadable he seemed to be onsidering something when he finally spoke again, his tone was a lot gloomier

    “ever sine i quit auror training—”

    “you did what?” drao blurted “you quit—what?”

    “well, tehnially, i’m on sabbatial, but i think they know i’m not oming bak”

    “but…why?” drao asked, genuinely shoked

    potter shrugged “i didn’t like it”

    drao wanted to snort and point out many people didn’t like their job but potter was in a posin where he didn’t need to do anything he didn’t like, wasn’t he? or, maybe, he had so many obligans he seretly disliked, he made sure to get rid of the things he had ontrol over

    “how did i not know about this?” drao murmured, more to himself than to potter

    “oh, i’m sorry, was i supposed to send you a memo?” potter said in an amused tone

    drao immediately felt himself blush “i meant…” he tried to ollet himself, searhing for the right words “how ome none of this was in the papers?”

    “i made everyone keep their mouths shut,” potter said “i didn’t think it would work, but…” he shrugged again

    drao studied his fae, but hastily looked away when potter’s eyes loked with his

    “why are you telling me, then? how do you know i won’t go to the prophet with this rman?”

    “i don’t,” potter said

    “so…what, you don’t are?”

    “no, that’s not it”

    drao peeked at him when he didn’t ontinue

    “you know, i think it’s kind of endearing you kept up with me like that,” potter said with a grin

    “don’t ftter yourself,” drao said with a dismissive gesture, gulping down his too hot tea he made a fae as the liquid burnt his mouth and the embarrassment burnt his heeks

    “half of it is probably untrue, though,” potter muttered there was something in his voie that made drao frown


    “what they write about me in the papers i wouldn’t know, i never read it not anymore”

    “i see” drao gave him a suspus gne while potter went bak to studying the bottle in his hands did that mean he hadn’t seen their piture? some of his friends must have shown him at least but he hadn’t brought it up yet, whih made drao even more unomfortable than if he had been teased about it ugh, the prat was so bloody irritating!

    potter suddenly leared his throat and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table

    “so, how are you going to spend christmas? are you going to visit your mum in frane?”

    “oh,” drao said, grateful for the hange in topi, but also slightly pleased potter seemed to remember little details about his family “yes, i’m going to stay with her over the holidays what about you?”

    “same as every year,” potter said, as if drao was supposed to know what that meant of ourse, drao did know

    “isn’t it weird, seeing your ex-girlfriend?” drao asked in a seemingly i tone he had read about potter’s break up with the she-weasel and had often wondered if they had gotten bak together without the papers knowing about it

    “oh, not at all,” potter said “besides, she’s dating someone new now, so it’s all good”

    “i see,” drao said, trying to mask his sudden nervousness “so she doesn’t mind you bringing your new girlfriend over to her house for christmas?”

