《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读69

    as he left narissa’s wing, luius’s walk slowed and he began to talk to the bundle radled in his arms

    “i waited five years and fifteen hours for you, my son”

    he walked through the manor, heading towards the wing that would be drao’s own

    “your mother wanted a girl she told me that over and over she wanted a daughter to make just like herself but the fates instead smiled upon my wishes, drao luius malfoy, though i doubt you’ll ever use the middle name until you are grown and i am no longer here”

    the baby ooed at him as luius stopped at the doorway to drao’s wing

    “this is where you will grow up, my son the house elves just finished it yesterday while your mother was sreaming”

    baby drao giggled as luius swung open the door and walked inside

    drao’s rooms hadn’t hanged over the years more things had been added as drao had obtained more possesns, but the skeleton of what drao would live in now was there, even down to the same olor sheets on the bed

    “your rib is in my rooms at the moment, but when you grow out of it this is where you will sleep”

    luius walked around the room and stopped at the long eiling-to-floor window that looked out over the nd surrounding malfoy manor

    “and this, my son, will someday belong to you and whomever is outstanding enough to be deemed worthy of your life partner i’m sure narissa will press for another hild, a daughter most likely, but you an be assured, my son, that when i die there will be no one to stand against your im to what you are entitled you are my heir and my joy”

    the hand that was not holding the baby moved to touh the baby drao’s heek baby drao giggled loudly and grabbed luius’s ring finger in both hands the little hands found the malfoy sig ring and pulled it off luius’s finger it immediately went into baby drao’s mouth and he bit down as hard as he ould with his toothless gums

    luius hukled at drao as he took bak the ring “that too, will be yours”

    the memory shifted to luius sitting alone in his study writing something it looked like a letter but before either of the boys ould see what it was the door to the study swung open and a five-year-old drao walked into the room with a loud, “father!”

    luius looked up at drao “what is it drao?”

    “mother says i have to wait until i’m eleven to learn to fly on a broom like everyone else!”

    luius raised an eyebrow

    “and i want to learn now!”

    “and you shall” the elder malfoy ped his quill down on the desk and walked over to where drao stood with an estati smile on his fae “i will teah you”

    “yay!” drao let out a hy ry and hugged his father before hurrying him out of the room

    again the memory shifted, jumping forward six more years, by the look of drao the eleven year old who harry had met in diagon ally was seated in bed pouting luius and narissa stood in the doorway

    “i don’t know what to do with the boy,” narissa spoke, annoyane dripping in her tone “he refuses to go to sleep as if he thinks that if he doesn’t sleep he won’t have to go to shool tomorrow!”

    a wry smile pyed about luius’s lips as he losed the door with a “go to bed yourself, narissa you look like you ould use the sleep,” and roahed the bed

    “now why are you giving your mother a hard time, drao?” luius asked in a mok-angry voie

    “i don’t want to go to shool,” drao stated

    luius moned for drao to move over on the bed and he slid into drao “shool is a neessary evil that we all have to go through, son”

    “but i don’t want to why an’t i go where you wanted me to go? it sounds muh better than this pe,”

    “i ould not agree more, but your mother insisted”

    “i don’t are what mother insisted”

    “drao you should not say suh things of your mother”

    “i’m sorry, father”

    “it is quite alright, drao now you should get to sleep”

    drao pouted but it was a look of one who knew he’d lost the inal argument luius got out of the bed as drao snuggled down into the overs luius turned down the light of the room with a wave of his hand and moved to the door as if to leave


    he stopped and turned to the boy in the bed “yes drao?”

    “the house elves said that when i was really little you would sing to me when i was rying and i would stop i don’t remember what song you sang”

    “that doesn’t surprise me i stopped needing to sing to you when you were very little”

    “would you sing now?”

