《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读68

    wedding rings were always unique to the pair that were to be married for the malfoy family, this meant that the pair were one of a kind jeweled masterpiees reated one and never opied but e rings were passed down through the heirs of the family anyone who had ever married a malfoy would have worn one of these rings during the e time ped his mother had worn one of them

    but harry wouldn’t be like her he wouldn’t use something like e for his own means, of that drao was positive it wasn’t something a gryffindor would do…it wasn’t something harry would do harry had to be doing another self-sarifiing thing, he just had to be somehow, he’d gotten it into his head that the only way for drao to retain his iane was to beome legal by wizarding standards but what in merlin’s name was his motive? he had to have a motive, even if it wasn’t one of self gain but this kind of thing was not something you’d do for a…well…a friend even if es ould be broken and had been many times before, it was still not something done frivolously if that was the ase, whenever teenagers wanted to be pereived as adults for any small reason, they’d just beome engaged to someone and break it when they wanted to! and no one did that; it was a mokery to the marriage rite to do that harry would know that, so why was he suggesting it? drao doubted that suh a thing would be done even by people who had rushes on eah other…but that took out any motive harry might have had unless…well, unless harry’s feelings ran deeper than that, but they ouldn’t but if they did…

    no, he just wouldn’t even start going down that diren of thought his own feelings for harry were onfusing as they were, he wasn’t going to add that into the mess sighing, he losed the small box’s lid and let it drop into his poket, harry’s words oming bak into his mind

    “if i were to say any vows, they would be real”

    real? real, true e vows would hold until the marriage vows when the bonds of matrimony were made drao had seen suh vows, even those as sared as the marriage vows, broken, even if they had been real when made his own parents had done that reasons being good or bad, the marriage vows had been broken but with harry…drao ouldn’t do that with harry harry was his veriae bonded were he to propose e to harry, it would be more than real, it would be binding pletely and utterly binding, never to be broken

    it sared him, those kinds of bonds it wasn’t the loss of freedom he’d already “lost” that by beoming veriae bound to harry no, what sared drao was how easy it would be to make suh a proposal, how little restraint he had, and how quikly that little restraint was rumbling

    harry woke te that night to an empty bed slowly, he strethed and headed out of drao’s wing he knew where he would have gone if he were drao

    the door to what had been luius’s study was losed, but light rept under the doorway as harry neared it

    drao didn’t look up as harry entered the room and quietly padded over to where he stood, looking at the firepe

    “i was thinking about removing it,” drao whispered “so that i never have to see it again but i don’t think i will” he turned molten silver eyes to harry’s own “i think it would be better to see it in real life than in nightmares”

    harry nodded now that he was here, he wasn’t really sure what to do he wathed as drao rossed to his father’s desk, sitting in what had been his father’s hair it reminded harry of a throne, but drao didn’t look muh like a king sitting in it more like a lost prine who has been fored to ome home and take ontrol of a kingdom pgued by war

    “are you going to make this your study?” harry asked

    “i don’t know it’s rather far to walk to from my room”

    harry smiled drao would make this his own study, no matter if he had to ross the entire manor to get to it, he was positive of it

    “well then why don’t you hek it out?” harry asked “look and see what’s here before you deide” he rossed to drao and leaned over the blond to open a drawer in the desk “for instane, what’s in this drawer?”

    “that would be the quills, ink, and paper drawer” drao drawled, pushing the enter drawer bak “i know that muh, harry”

    “how about the others?” harry asked, sitting on the arm of the hair “there ertainly are a lot of them”

    drao smirked and pointed to the left side of the desk “offiial douments and reords are on that side”

    “how do you know that?” harry asked, pulling the three drawers open and then shutting them drao was right, they were all full of douments

    “that side would always be open when i would sneak in here to see my father”

    “oh what about the other side?”

    drao frowned “i don’t know it was never opened when i was in here”

    the blond leaned over and pulled at the top drawer handle all three drawers pulled out together to reveal that it was only one drawer but three drawers deep

    “whoa” harry blinked at what was stored in that drawer

    it was undoubtedly a pensive golden and deorated with diamond gems, but a pensive heless drao pulled it out and set it upon the desk and they both ould see the ornate writing arved at the base of the rge halie-like holder of memories luius sergius malfoy

    drao and harry looked at it for a moment “this wasn’t menned in thery in father’s will,” he said at st

    “i wonder why,” harry pondered “what ould be in it that would make him not menn it?”

    “i don’t know”

    “shall we see?”

    drao looked at harry in disbelief “what? we an’t do that!”


    “beause—” drao ut himself off there was no reason not to anymore his father was dead, there was no suh thing as invan of privay where his father was onerned anymore

    the two
