《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读46

    harry didn’t know exatly how to respond to that, but he didn’t have to as herne and ron entered the pub, learly looking for someone

    “they’re looking for you” drao’s always promi smirk was bak on his fae

    “see you bak at hogwarts then?” harry asked

    drao nodded “hopefully we’ll end up in my bed tonight, we’ve been in yours for three days straight”

    harry realized how that would sound to someone who didn’t know the situan they were in, and ughed

    harry notied that drao was frowning on monday m, as the mail was delivered he then notied the owl that sat perhed on drao’s shoulder and the letter in his hands drao sribbled something at the bottom of the letter and put it bak in the envelope, handing it over to the owl the owl flew up into the rowd of other owls all bearing mail and harry was very surprised when it dropped a letter in his p a few minutes ter

    cuusly harry opened the letter, to find another artile inside it at the top of the artile drao had written: here’s another one

    harry looked up to see drao wathing him and nodded minutely drao smirked and turned bak to what his year mates were saying harry quikly got out addressed the letter to luna and ped it in his bag for hedwig to bring to her ter

    chapter 25: snithes and kisses

    as her st ss of the day ended, herne aught ron’s look from aross the room and nodded disreetly ron fshed her a smile and turned to the door herne sat a few rows in front of harry and ron in transfiguran, so they were loser to the door than she was she smiled slightly when she remembered the small argument they’d had about seating in the first week of shool, how she’d been adamant that they should take their own notes instead of always oming to her after all, when they left hogwarts, they wouldn’t be able to ome to her with every little problem seretly, herne hoped that they would still ome to her with their problems but they still needed to be somewhat self suffiient and so, in their first big argument of the year, herne had moved her seat up three rows from theirs in transfiguran they’d dropped the subjet, herne seretly thought that ron had dropped the subjet beause he didn’t want to upset her and that harry hadn’t really been part of that dein to begin with, and so transfiguran was the only ss in whih herne sat far away from her two best friends

    ron was, as he had asked in their silent exhange, waiting for her near the doorway and the two of them began the walk to the room of requirement

    “harry went ahead” ron said awkwardly he’d been somewhat awkward around her ever sine he’d asked her out if they were alone for a while, he would eventually rex but in the short times that they had alone he was…awkward, there was no other word for it

    “that’s fine i don’t mind walking with you” herne smiled at the redhead, who was fighting bak a blush “in fat, we ould do this more often”

    the two entered the room of requirement to find drao and harry sitting in what had beome “drao’s er”, talking about something in low voies drao’s only aknowledgement of their presene in the room was to end whatever n he’d been having with harry this was the routine whenever harry was with ron or herne, drao made himself ent, either leaving the room or ign them in fat, the only time herne ould remember drao talking in their presene was that one time when harry’d been stuk on the pons ingredient and drao had told him what to look for as he left the room while suh behar around them ould be onsidered insulting, herne uood that drao did it so as not to start any fights with them, and thus upset harry ron still muttered under his breath whenever drao purposefully ignored them, but herne didn’t mind being ignored in fat, she didn’t know if drao realized why he was staying away from harry’s friends, but she knew the reasoning any fights that, say drao and ron, got into would ause harry to hoose a side so drao kept his distane and they allowed him to

    “ready for tonight?” harry asked as he joined them they had deided to work on an advaned healing spell for this da meeting it was rather basi, but if you orated on it, it would heal and protet you during a battle or duel little things like srapes and uts ould be healed instantly if you got good at it

    “yes” herne replied

    “when isn’t she?” ron asked, earning a small shove from the girlto him “so, harry,” ron asked, shoving herne bak “when are you going to tell me what made you almost te for divinan?”

    herne turned to harry and he ould see a leture beginning to form “i wasn’t te, herne, i was almost te there’s a differene and i’ve got a good reason for it”

    “you had better, mr potter” herne solded, sounding strangely like a ertain transfiguran teaher when she did so

    and so harry began to expin

    the da meeting had progressed to the dueling stage, with all of the members trying out the ontinuous healing spell in a duel setting beause everyone needed to try out the spell, the staged duels were shorter than normal, timed and without a true vitor

    from his sen of the room, drao looked up from his pons studying to see harry asending the dueling ptform sighing slightly, drao rested the open book on his p and wathed the duel no one notied this extra pair of eyes

    in the first few weeks that drao had been sitting in the orner, there had been a lot of speun about his presene but one the other da members figured out that he wasn’t going to do anything, they left him alone in fat, most fot about his presene during the meetings whih suited him just fine

    his eyes wathed as the duel progressed it was obus that this
