《(HP同人)Black Truth(英文版)》分卷阅读45

    “how do you not know?”

    “we’re doing something, but whether it’s a date or not is still up for grabs”

    “oh” herne seemed to think about that for a minute “well then i wish you luk on whatever it turns out to be”

    harry grinned “hopefully i won’t need it, right?”

    that saturday dawned warmer than it had all winter and gringly bright the feeling was almost us as students throughout hogwarts dressed warmly for a day roaming the streets of hogsmeade harry, guessing that ron would be bouning off the walls in nervous tenn, left for gryffindor tower before breakfast, leaving drao in the shower

    harry was right, ron was a mess the other boys had long sine stopped trying to alm ron down the redhead pratially attaked harry when he ame into the dorm

    “harry! what am i going to do! or wear! and what if i at like a jerk and—”

    harry shared a suffering look with the other boys who were very gd not to be in harry’s shoes right now

    drao was thinking muh along the same lines as ron, but in a more dignified manner and the only one around to hear his mutterings was a mirror she had wathed unimpressed as drao had taken most, if not all, of the lothes out of his loset and strewn them around the room and then wathed as he proeeded to pae between the piles that had formed, disarding item after item for being “not good enough”

    “why don’t you lose your eyes, pik a shirt, and then find trousers to math?” the mirror asked irritated

    drao fixed her with a gre that transted to “what ould a mirror know?”

    “hun, i’ve been here for years i’ve been in every dorm possible and i’ve seen this mess over and over believe me, everyone eventually gets to that point so why don’t you save yourself a whole lot of trouble, paing, and wearing yourself out in worry?”

    drao didn’t omment, but sneered at the mirror…and then piked up theshirt

    breakfast was already underway when drao was finally pleased with how he looked and donned the tradinal slytherin robes over his outfit perfet

    “you look lovely darling now wasn’t that easier?” the mirror asked drao shot another gre at the mirror and left, muttering about refletive gss that knew too muh

    hogsmeade was always bustling with people, and the left-over old from the height of winter did nothing to deter them so it was with a little diffiulty that harry made his way through the rowded room of three broomstiks to the bak where the private booths were madam rosmerta had smiled warmly at him and waved him towards the booth that was tuked in the most out of the way orner of them all with a, “he’s waiting for you”

    the booths themselves were something of a stroke of genius to harry they were ped around the outskirts of the room with onealing, silene, notie-me-not, and privay harms on them that were keyed to the people that wanted to use them regur ustomers wouldn’t even know they were there and so it was perfet for his and drao’s…whatever-it-was

    drao had already ordered two butterbeers and was lounging quite omfortably on his hair, looking out at the patrons who ouldn’t see him wathing them harry notied that he seemed ied in one table in partiur as he slid into the seat opposite drao

    “i know that look,” harry observed

    drao’s eyes flikered to him and then bak “what look?”

    “you’re plotting something what?”

    “i’m thinking of ways to embarrass crabe ter he never told me he was ied in millient”

    harry looked over and saw the two slytherins in quesn hatting in a manner that was a little more than friendly

    “well, you didn’t tell him about being a veriae and me, did you?”

    drao had the grae to look unomfortable “no, but that’s different”

    harry was onfused “how?”

    “i don’t know but i’ll think of something”

    harry just ughed and took a sip of butterbeer

    ron looked a bit worried as he turned to herne “you know i haven’t seen harry anywhere today are you sure he was ok with this?”

    herne smiled “yes, ron, i’m sure he had someone to spend the day with”

    ron’s eyes widened a bit “really?”


    a omfortable silene had fallen over the two boys, and harry notied that time had strethed into the te afternoon, when drao said, “i don’t hate you anymore, you know”

    the silene that followed was not as omfortable “i don’t hate you anymore either” harry finally replied, thinking a bit and then adding “in fat, i think i might like you”

    he looked up to find silver eyes looking at him with a strange expresn “sometimes… i’m not sure if it’s me or the veriae who likes you,” drao said slowly, “but it’s beoming harder to distinguish between the two of them”

